Yadda yadda

Aug 09, 2009 14:26

Writing Updates: Daddy’s Little Girl - Indulgence

To Do List:
Answer Divinity (staff and trade) Emails
Answer Emails
Hiragana/Katakana Practice
Oral Practice

Yesterday I had 26 Katakana I didn’t know. That’s a little more than half. Today, I had 14 I didn’t know! Yay me! For the most part I can do the ones that somehow remind me of their hiragana counterpart. Although many are really different so it makes it hard. And Shi and Tsu look a lot like so it’s really difficult for me to remember which is which. But I’m still working on it. So I’m content because I had 26 that I didn’t know yesterday. So writing them is really helping. I can write and read my hiragana. So that’s really good. I am hoping that being able to see them will help the memory process. As it stands, I don’t really read them a lot so that doesn’t help me memorize. If I read it I can memorize it! Since I’m not reading them, my brain (and eyes) doesn’t recognize them. I hope I have even more memorized tomorrow. There were some hiragana that I didn’t recognize until recently, ぬ、ね、む、ほ - we hadn’t used them as much. And I still want to write わ instead of は. I’m always correcting myself there. And I don’t like writing を.

The Fourteen Katakana that Elude Me:
1. Ku: ク
2. Ke: ケ
3. Sa: サ
4. Shi: シ
5. Su: ス
6. So: ソ
7. Ta: タ
8. Chi: チ
9. Tsu: ツ
10. Te: テ
11. Nu: ヌ
12. Ne: ネ
13. Hi: ヒ
14. Hu: フ

I have my last oral practice session today. Extra credit for the win! The cooler is loud though so I may have to turn it off to hear my teacher. It saddens me somewhat because I really like my teachers for Japanese this term. I get all new teachers next term, but at least one of my partners will also be there.

I’m feeling really good today. I am kind of cold, but, really good. It might be because I spent all morning listening to music while studying. I’m also trying to write less fragments when I blog. I know it’s not super important but I get tired of Word whining at me about it.

I even got Cactus Dance updated today. I still need to talk to Cherri about the layout. Now I’m going to go play Wild ARMs 4.

japanese, cactus dance, school

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