Go away.

Apr 21, 2009 16:21

Writing Updates: Chapter 7 - Lies and Truth

There should be a meaningful blog here. But here isn’t.

But in better news! I got a letter from Caramel today! That made me really happy! And it gives me a reason to write out letters~!

ALSO. For the record! D: I do not like guys with black hair and red eyes! I love them. At least I’m not electric. ;p ♥

Although it’s really quite terrible. I have mentioned at least twice before now that I’d like to keep bowling on Tuesday and apparently it’s the first time anyone’s heard of it. They asked me if we wanted to keep bowling on Tuesday for the summer league. I said yes. Twice at least and still this is the “first time”. It’s really like no one listens to me. And it’s terribly aggravating. Also, it irks me off that I’m always the one who gets jumped for bringing up concerns based on what we know. And then it becomes this huge pissing contest. Nothing can be simple anymore. And I don’t know when it became that everything had to be so damn complicated. I don’t know why but it always feels like if someone’s frustrated they always take it out on me.

It always becomes “Well at least I don’t sleep in until 2 or 3 in the afternoon and go ‘Oh I missed such and such’.” And I can’t even remember the last time I slept in until NOON. I just want to be done with it. It being the situation, not so much bowling. But I am terribly unamused at how this is all brought about by it.

I suppose my whole point is, is that I’m tired of feeling like no one hears me. Ever. [/end]

ALSO. Thanks for setting me up mom. I appreciate it. She literally started the conversation I talked to one of your daughters...

And of course it can only be me. So everyone gets all bitch-snappy at me.


blehish, bowling, caramel, family drama

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