Feb 14, 2009 15:32
Writing Updates: Valentines - Dressed Up; Chapter 2 - Valentines: She practically has too
Happy Valentines Day, kiddies. <3
My cousin was over. She has wished to be called Taku. But we call her taco because it sounds the same. XD And I swear between her and Cherri I cannot tell who is more perverted. And then we’re playing Dokapon Kingdom. So Weber has the scary pedo-voice. And like if it’s not Taku being like “Hey kids wanna see some magic?” Its Cherri going, “Hey kids wanna see my MAGIC ROD?” And I’m just like “DO NOT WANT!”
Though one of the best quotes was Taku’s “Do what we say OR WE’LL KILL YOU. >D Or take your cookies..”
Oh yea! I checked to see if I could go to China or not. Big not; tuition was way too much. Yesterday I was a little upset about it. But it’s funny to me. Because I now know I can possibly still get my TESL certificate and such. So I could teach English as a second language. A month ago it was not something I would have ever considered. So if I can walk away with just that, I am happy.
I totally need to finish up Valentines - She Practically Has too; but man, like I have two more parts one part to write and I don’t even care if they’re it is late.
To Do List:
Career Strategies Project
Career Strategies Discussion
Capstone Discussion 1 - 2
Capstone Reflection Journal
Psychology Discussion 1 - 2
to do