<3 ;_; I'm so happy.

Dec 25, 2008 19:49

Writing Updates: Spirit Of - Hourglass (Need to upload)

So I totally fail in the horribly epic way. XD I am so bad at God of War, but it is such an awesome game. I’m really enjoying it even though I have seen YOU ARE DEAD like twenty times today. But I really like everything about the game, and Kratos is so undeniably badass. O_O I do not know why I did not get this game sooner. It’s bloody but I love it. Mom was saying I’d make men happy because I can play bloody, violent games.. XD I told her one day, I’d pretend to be a girl. ^^;; Dad was oddly amused by the different techniques Kratos can use, like when you grab the guy from the wall, bash his head in, and throw him over the side. Dad was just like “Did you see THAT? O_O <3”

I got a lot of games this Christmas including Disgaea from Pengtwin! :D <3 Let’s see I got Aedis Eclipse (PSP), Wild Arms XF (PSP), God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP), Final fantasy Tactics A2 (DS), The World Ends with You (DS), God of War (PS2), and Disgaea (PS2). I am also caught up on Zombie Loan (as far I know - number 4) and Hitman Reborn!! :D Cherri is playing Eternal Poison right now; I was playing God of War earlier today. After a certain point you can choose a perspective to play EP in. O_O It looks really, really awesome. And Johnny Bosch did some Voice acting for one of the characters, so Cherri loves it. Retica is Young Mithos so I think he might start ordering someone to make emo dungeons soon. XD Raki looks super awesome. *pets*

I totally want to play all these games at once! O_O; I’m in such a good mood. XD But I started with God of War. I’m also thinking of getting Disgaea 2, Time Hollow, and God of War 2. Plus I want to get Star Ocean 2 for PSP. <3

Went to dinner with my grandparents and Uncle Kevin last night, I wasn’t too sure about Mediterranean food - BUT - turns out it’s really good. :D Though we were super exotic (Dad, Cherri, Kevin, and I all ordered burgers) XD And Marissa (a friend from junior high) was our waitress. XD I see her at almost every restaurant we go too, so, it’s kind of silly. But she seemed well. And her comments about the food were much appreciated because she’s easy to read. So if she says something is “SOOOO GOOOOD” it turns out to be generally right. She did give us a bit of a hard time about ordering burgers, but that’s okay.

Then we went over to my grand parent’s house where we exchanged gifts. And my grandpa already broke the watch we got him. And Cherri and I got some monies. Got a nice amount of cash this year. It’s probably all going to games. XD well most of it will, I need to get some gifts for some peoples.

Overall it has been a pretty good Christmas. We made some pie. Some of them are really little pies. XD And they are so awesome. And there was extra filling so we made pudding. Also, mom and I really fail at making deviled eggs but it’s always a fun experience to laugh at each other.

XD I have to stop half paying attention to games.

christmas, video games, family drama

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