Dec 02, 2008 20:58
Writing Updates: Fickle - Hourglass
Headers for your convenience.
We lost three out of four games. The one thing I don't like about bowling "Lucky Seven" is that they are crowding type of people. Meaning that they always make me feel crowded. It's unpleasant. And they rush too, so that's worse. But otherwise, I just try and ignore them. At least I got to talk to Cherri all night. It makes up for it. And that Steve said we could paint his nails totally made my night. XD We bowl his team next week so if he shows up early enough I may ninja to paint his nails so they'll be dry before hand! That would be epic.
Classes are going well. I really like my instructors and classmates! I'm shocked, but I'm having a good term. I'm seriously considering finishing up my bachelor's getting my master's and then getting a degree in Education so I can teach Elementary. You see, you can have a master's and teach College Level - but you have to have a degree in education to teach elementary through high school as far as I understand. And other than writing, the only other job I'd like (excluding Turks of course) is teaching kindergarten or 1st grade. I don't know, I'm still a bit undecided. I could still get my master's and teach. I'd just have to deal with College students.
I was also invited to join another Honor's society. And I feel really happy when things like that happen - it's kind of like being recognized for being a total book worm and busting my ass on homework. I feel accomplished.
I'm well, mostly. Sleep hasn't been unkind but it hasn't been great either. It's sort of middle but not particularly happy. Sometimes I feel more tired after having slept. I'm really excited about Christmas, maybe just the holidays in general, but I'm looking forward to decorating the tree and buying.making gifts this year! I already know what I'm getting Cherri and Pengtwin.
At some point I need to take a picture of me.