*victory music*

Mar 27, 2008 21:32

Writing Updates: I Didn’t Know what Else to Say - Hourglass; Chapter 4 - Screaming; Wild Strawberry - To Our Dearest Kiwi

I’ve been productive in my writing today. ^_^ And sadly Screaming is not scary like it’s supposed to be, but Cherri and I agreed at least it is suspenseful. XD; Gosh I fail at this. Though I am still having fun writing it.

Don’t you just love when bunnies attack you in the shower? XD;;

I only dragged all my friends back home from and illusionary world because I’m a nice guy like that. Anyways, obviously, I beat the game. I can sort of empathize with Marche not wanting to return home because he didn’t always get what he wanted. He always gave up stuff for his little brother, and I really know how that goes. Though, I don’t know if I could be as realistic as he was. I mean, let’s face it if I was running around a Final Fantasy world, I would probably never leave. XD;; Especially not if my friends were there. O_O We’d be a rockin’ clan and depending on the world we might be stalking certain people. XD

That aside, it was much longer than I thought it would be and well by the end I just wanted it over. It’s not that hard to predict he’ll change everyone’s mind and they’ll all go home. I do like Ritz’s hair when it is white though. It’s much cuter. Otherwise, the game is good to pass hours. I know I missed a lot. I only played for like 62 hours and only cleared like 195ish missions. It’s not bad but a lo of the missions are really repetitive and it’s really long for a strategy game. ^^; I mean, its great they give you extra missions, but there are so many it starts to get very tedious.

But my goal was to beat it so that I could play Crisis Core~ :3 And now I can.

Really, though, I’m in a good mood because the howling (ghastly really) wind from yesterday stopped. And that makes me so happy. X3 It’s like it doesn’t matter if I had a good day or a bad one as long as there is no wind, I’m in a good mood regardless. XD

Games to beat in 2008:
Games Beat: IIII I
* = Currently Playing
Wild Arms 3
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Kingdom Hearts 2
*Phantom Brave
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
Crisis Core
Tales of the World
Radiant Dawn
Final Fantasy Tactics GBA
Final Fantasy Tactic PSP
Final Fantasy PSP
Luminous Arc
Riviera PSP

writing, games: ff tactics advance

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