survey stolen from lia

Aug 27, 2008 13:47

Well. Since I haven't updated this in 61.8 years, some of you may think that that is a sign that I have no more headaches... this is not the case. The headaches come about every 10 days now (up to 16 straight with no headaches though, woot) and I have a different recording system on paper that I've really gotten into.

1. Who were you with last night?

2. What woke you up this morning?
Um... I dunno... I just woke up and there was light! And there was Steven :)

3. Where are you?
At home. In Lynnwood :)

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Of course :)

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Steven, and Sharkie and Sugar (kitty cats)

8. When was the last time you cried?
Um. Probably a couple weeks ago? Maybe longer.

-The PAST-

10. Ever thrown up in public?
Yes. Multiple times. The latest time was at work a few weeks ago.

11. Passed out because of alcohol?

12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Some things that shouldn't be, quite honestly... And work, and I think the new-car smell in the Nissan is going to wear off faster than usual because I had a fresh pizza in the car today and that kinda overpowered the new-car smell...


13. Would you take a bullet for anyone?

14. Where would you like to live?
I'm really liking the Northwest :)

15. What kind of home would you like?
Steven and I aren't sure yet... so many options!

16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
An adult. Seriously, been married a year and I still feel like I'm not grown up. I still feel quite juvenile :-P

17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hm. With Steven, maybe with a baby.


27.Do you like candy necklaces?
No. those have always kinda weirded me out.

28. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
Happens enough, it was probably within the last week.

30. Do you still go trick or treating?
Hehe, I went at age 21 with Jenny. That's a great memory :) Totally worth it.

31. What was the last thing you ate?
Pizza Hut personal pan pizza :)

32. Are you a fast typer?

33. About how many people have you liked?
Um... depends on how we define "like"... there are very few people that I dislike (I actually can't think of any at the moment)... but as far as crushes go... oh I have no idea.

34. What are you doing this weekend?
Hopefully spending time outside, with Steven.

35. Whats your favorite type of soda?
I've never had soda in my life. :D

36. Have you ever moved?
Yup. Moved 2000 miles last year :)

37. Have you ever won an award?
Many times.

38. Single or Taken?
Forever taken <3

39. What do you want to do right now?
Dance naked in the living room. (boo work)

40. Are you listening to music right now?

41. Are you with someone right now?
2 kitty cats.

42. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
Fabulous, brilliant, poke the Gersh...

43. How long until your birthday?
about 9 months? (Paul?)

44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
No idea... sadness never lasts too long for me.

45.What time is it now?

46. Do you think anyone will repost to this?
course not :-P

47. What makes you pissed off?
Um... injustice to others, illogical philosophies...

48. Have you ever had a song written about you?
Not sure, but I like to make up songs about others :)

49. What song makes you cry?
The first time I heard it, "I loved her first" (song I danced with my dad to at my wedding)

50. What songs makes you happy?
Lots of stuff... a lot of songs on 105.3, klove, many things make me smile :)

51. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?

52. Do you have a job??
yes I do! been there just over a year!

53. What does Your CD player have in it right now?
uh... no idea

54. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
some shade of purple i think

55. What makes you happy?
Friends, food, church, Steven, kitty cats, Gersh/hamster, being outside, swimming (any fun activity really), string...

57. What's the next CD you're gonna get?
haven't decided yet


Blonde, about shoulder length

[Eye Color:]

1 in each ear that i never wear anymore.

no thanks.

[Clothes wearing right now?]
dressed for work. khakis and a nice shirt.

[What taste is in your mouth?]
pizza taste :)

[Have a bad habit?]
grinning ridiculously in public, sleeping too late, eating unhealthily (working on that one), procrastination
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