good and bad

Apr 22, 2008 18:02

I had a slight headache yesterday (right side, more toward the front, focusing on my forehead every so often)... didn't really change after Steven and I donated blood... so I went to bed relatively early. I woke up this morning around 3:30 and was still hurting. I dozed a little bit, but when my alarm went off at 5 I knew I'd need to take something. So I took 1 pill of Excedrin TH. It worked. By the time I got to work, I felt much better. BUT... a few hours later, after my first break... headache was comin back. I ran to lunch, heh. Some potatoes, broccoli, a banana and some milk helped, I think. At least, I haven't gotten any worse and I can even say I've improved. So I believe *this* is a case of a blood-sugar related headache. (my body is also experiencing withdrawl I believe...)
Got home maybe an hour ago and felt fine, generally. It's like this thing *wants* to come back, but can't just yet. It's kinda aiming for the area right above and in front of my temple on the right side. I felt hungry again so I just had some BBQ chicken on whole grain... yummy (expired chicken, heh) so hopefully the glucose level will stabilize and I won't be writhing in pain tonight.
Sometimes these things respond to food and rest, sometimes they don't. Sometimes no amount of pain medication works, sometimes just half a dose works (like this morning) le sigh.
I was bad this weekend... I had SO MUCH chocolate. I know it's unrealistic to tell myself that I'll give it up entirely, but I am setting small goals to reduce the caffeine in my diet. I don't drink coffee or pop/soda/carbonated beverages... so chocolate is really the only source I have. We'll see if strictly limiting chocolate in-take does more good now that my body seems more responsive to dietary changes. It's an experiment. Another one.
Going back to the chiropractor tomorrow...
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