Life and The Holidays

Dec 25, 2005 02:11

A week ago today (Sunday), my one co-worker died. I found out Monday when I showed up to work and his car wasn't there. He was the one w/ the key, so I called his cell phone and to my surprise, his father was the one to answer. From there, I learned. This has made it a very difficult week for myself, as well as my boss. I can't even imagine how his parents and family are feeling.
In the start of my job, we would talk a lot about casual, surface things. We went out for a drink one time. He tried holding my hand and told me he liked me. I explained to him that I didn't feel he knew me well enough to like me. He thought working 40 hrs a week w/ me every week was enough for him to know me well enough to know. At the end of this we forgot anything had happened and resumed normally at work from then on(thank GOD). I was so glad things didn't get weird. Then from there, we just kept talking everyday and told each other things about our lives, families and he would tell me about the girls he was pursuing.
He was Jewish. Altho I got the impression while talking to his father that they weren't exactly acompletely traditional, practicing Jewish family.
It was just so sudden. It was such a shock, and in reality, still is. I w as able to go to his funeral on Tuesday, which was really nice. There was a huge turn out. The building was only 2 rooms and so it was really hot. I got so hot I had to leave. I felt horrible, but I just was not going to make it through that heat. His casket was up front, however it was closed. I was really glad to go and see his casket up there. It helped make things a bit more real.
He was only 24 years old. Such a life ahead of him. He spoke of having a Jewish family. I remember when I first started there, him and my boss were talking and he told us, "if I'm not a millionaire one day, I willbe very upset." that was definitely a huge goal of his. His father is a doctor and his mother is retired. They are very well off and he felt the pressure to one day create a family of his own who were just as well off.
On the radio just a few days after it happened came on the song "Who Youd Be Today" by Kenny justmatches this situation so well. It talks about how the person was too young, and had everything ahead of them. It just completely makes me think of him. You should listen to it sometime, it's a reallynice song. It's country, however. Think I should warn those who are nothuge country music fans:) I happen to really enjoy my country music, so that's how I happened upon this song lol. I've heard it many times in the past, but for the first time I actually listened to the entire song b/c it just talks about this guy who I'm missing at work.
Him and his family will remain in my prayers....It's just still so unbelievable.

On a alighter, happier note...I want to be polite, so alongside Merry Christmas, I will add a Happy Hanukkah! I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend, and continue throughought the rest whatever it is you are celebrating, even if just staying home w/ the family, or watching the football game! Seahawks won, yippie! And I hope everyone has a happy new year!
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