Guys it's true. I may have gotten my hair cut & colored Saturday for the big convention and I asked for bangs. My stylist guy is usually pretty indulgent but even he was like "ok let's try something a big more subtle" so we went with side swept bangs instead. But still. Bangs. For Jared Padalecki.
Anyways.....I tried posting this last night but something got all f-ed up so I'm doing it now instead. Sorry for the uhhh, untimeliness of this I guess.
So in all honesty I didn't really have any idea what was going on today. We had general admission tickets and they were a gift (best bridal shower present ever!) so I had no idea what was included & whatnot and was pretty much too lazy to find out. But I still insisted we try to get there at like 11:00 (the Q&A sessions with the boys didn't start until 2:30).
We had spent the night with my older sister in Oswego the night before. Here we are this morning pre-convention. Alex calls this "the before" picture. As you can probably tell, he was approaching the whole thing with some amount of trepidation. I'm mostly just including it because I'm in love with the little cropped jacket I was wearing and you can see it best in this picture (*is self absorbed*
Despite my urgent need to get to the convention at some ungodly hour of the morning (11:00) I may have freaked out while driving past the outlet mall in Aurora and ended up taking a detour for a huge (hangover combatting) latte and a new Coach bag. Here have a picture of that too while we're at it. So pretttty. Oh my god, we are so in love.
It's a good thing we took our little shopping detour though because it took a ton less time than expected to get from Oswego to Rosemont and we were still there uber early.
This is Alex upon our arrival (after we accidentally turned into the wrong parking lot where some sort of event was happening -- I think the Jason Mraz concert):
Yay!Finally at the convention!
So then we sort of wandered around like lost puppies for a while. We didn't know what to do or where to go really. I went to the bathroom twice, haha. And that's about the extent of that excitement until we realized that we were going to be needing some lunch. So we headed to the hotel restaurant bar for some delish spinach & artichoke dip and some red wine because it just seemed like the thing to do, ha.
More pictures of us, ha.
Then we finally managed to find all the action. I picked up a Supernatural t-shirt for myself and for our fabulous bridesmaid, our convention benefactor, who is sadly in Italy so she couldn't come with me (much to Alex's chagrin). Then we found some seats wayyyyy at the back of the ballroom because we were general admission and we spent too much time eating and it was sort of filling up by this point.
Alex fanboy-ing over Jared & Jensen's names in the program, haha.
Then the auction took place. I couldn't believe how much money people were willing to spend on Supernatural paraphenalia! Holy mackeral, $500 for a banner & autograph session? Geeez.
Anyways then I went to the bathroom again. And when I got back it was almost time for Jared!
The view from the far back of the auditorium.
Before Jared came out, a really awesome music video was played. I don't know who made it but golly it was really good. I bet it's already making the rounds of the internets by now. Check it out if you can.
And then....JARED! Oh my gosh could he be any cuter. I think he turned me into a Jared girl actually. Sad but true. I don't know how anyone could sit through that and not fall in love with him. Geez, even Alex is sort of crushing on him, I swear to god.
A really bad quality picture of Jared with his magical hat & jacket because Chicago is cold kids!
Then Jensen came to visit.
I am a sucker for boys in sweaters, geez louise.
Some highlights of the panels (in no particular order; just what I remember off the topic of my head):
- If Jared had a superpower it not be something boring like flying. Instead, he would be Aquaman, basically the ability to swim really deep and breathe undewater. Jensen was later asked the same question and he said he'd have the abliity to fly, which made us all laugh. He thought flying was pretty "safe" and not too dangerous like being able to read minds.
- Apparently after a night of bbq-ing and wine (wine!) Jared once got an email picture of Harley & Sadie slobbering all over Jensen's face. I can't even describe how cute it was too hear this. It's probably out there on video somewhere and yall can just listen to it for yourselves.
- Jared's fave color is black because "it hides things" (like what? cellulite? je ne sais pas) although the camaro is silver. Jensen's favorite color is blue and the tape they use for his marks is blue and he couldn't work with the red tape they used on My Bloody Valentine's set.
- Jared can speak neither Italian nor French it turns out, despite what some girl read on the internets.
- Jensen drives some big ass toyota truck.
- Jared was impressed by the Olsen twins' work ethic while on set back in the olden days.
- If he got the chance to do a Gilmore GIrls movie he would sooo do it. Jensen would do a Days of Our Lives movie for several million dollars apparently.
- Jared takes a really long time to get ready in the morning. He claims it's because he's got to take care of the dogs, work out, shower (he said something about glistening at this point) and lock up while Jensen claims it's because "he's the girl." I think this is surprising proof that Jared bottoms.
- Ipecac! I almost forgot. One girl tried explaining how people in fandom call Sam's new hand the "hand of Ipecac" (o rly? where have I been?) because he regurgitates demons or whatever and apparently Jared had never heard that word before and said it like twelve billion times. The best part is when Jensen came out and Jared said Ipecac! And Jensen said "Yeah, I hit a cat once." Random. Adorable. Love.
- A Dean action figure would bend at the elbow to allow for mass consumption of fried foods.
- Jared is totally all over the Ruby/Sam love, btw.
- Neither of the boys have tattoos as it's rough to have tattoos in show business.
- Jensen's scared kitten scream was modeled after Jared's gag reel screams during that scene from Jus in Bello
Ok, I can't remember anymore. Oh my gosh, I'm forgetting so much, I just know it. But I'm exhausted and my brain is fried, for real.
Anyways, after the panel we headed home because we had no autograph session tickets. This was the "after" picture. See how happy I am after seeing the boys?
And this is once we finally got home and I could try on my new t-shirt.
And last but not least! A sleepy puppy picture because my dog is absolutely knocked out from her weekend at grandma & grandpa's.
And that, kids, is my first experience with a convention. Ok, now I must sleep. Night everyone!