Why Care about How You look?

Nov 22, 2004 22:40

Why are girls so evolved with their image? I mean if you look around you can see girls who want to look perfect and they don’t care what it takes to be that way. If you sit and listen you can hear girls call themselves fat. Why would you care so much about the way you look and starve your self? I mean come on why not just be yourself and be happy instead of trying to be something you are not?
Maybe it is because ever since we could sit up we where watching Disney movies where the girls always looked perfect. Or is it because of Barbie and that she looks perfect and she it always happy. Or is it a gene that all girls have but it only shows in some girls. I don’t think any one knows why girls are the way they are.
I think it is that all girls think that if the world said is pretty then it must be. All girls want to be pretty because they think that is what guys want. But really no one knows what they want since they all are different and that they never can make up their minds. Since girls think that guys are so picky and that all the want is a girl who looks like Barbie they strive to look just like her. To look like Barbie girls will do anything it takes.
Me on the other hand I could care less what I look like. I know that God made me and this is the way I will be all my life. Now don’t get me wrong I like dressing up and looking pretty as much as the next girl but I won’t do anything to my body to achieve that goal. Since I was made to be perfect I don’t need to worry about how I look. All I need to worry about is how I praise the Lord with my actions and thoughts. I think that if I guy can’t like me for who I am then he is not worth my time or engery.
No one should need to do anything to please any one. As long as you are happy with who you are that is all that matters!
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