Sep 13, 2004 21:20
today was the raddest day ever. kind of. well just one part was rad but ill write it anyway...
so today at school, it was cold this morning. and then mike came and my poor sweet baby is sick. he has a sore throat and a runny nose. and i got grumpy because he looked so miserable and i couldnt do anything ro make him feel better. i hate when i cant fix what makes him feel bad. so i was sad and way freakin tired. first period i had teaher aide. all i did was record some grade and write the football scores on his magnet. otherwise i wrote mike a feel better note and left it with putman so he could give it to mike.
so then...
i went to dance class which was just simply dance class.i was way freakin tired so i tried to sleep. then i warmed up. then we praticed our dane. and then i changed and iwasnt even too sweat. cool. so i got out early set down my shizat and got some lemon iced tea. taaaasty. i loooove it. then i saw mike and he looked miserable and kissed me on the forehead. andi stroked his face nd then i got kinda grumpy with sarah for a ay reason but a reason none the less. then mike said bye to me because he was leaving early and i was sad i couldnt kiss him so i went to econ,. i was tired. we played this gay game where we were entrepreneurs and households and we hads to buy resources with monopoly money. then we had to make widgets..and then we had to sell them back to money and make a large profit. i didnt sell for goos prices because iwas tired, so when jecob wanted to win and offered me a dollar, a real one, for my monopoly bucks i agreed i got a dollar. theeen
\i had english and i was grumyp but informed i was a nice grumpy person. and i learned abotu writing papers. it was boring but fnny aand informaytiove. i guess english is. then it was lunch. mike was gone due to an ortho appointment. so iwas alone. so i found jenfo.and lindsay. we bought chips. then we walked. then we saw this hill.and we walked to it and sat down. then we roleld down it laughing and everyone looked at us. then we got up and went back to the greentop. and we laughed. it was awesome. then i had work experience with greg and we talked about sitting on stumps.
it was fun.
yay for today and tomorrow mike is getting a care package