Quick little update-o-rama

May 02, 2010 10:49

I can't get over how much better I feel, since I began therapy and started taking (prescribed) medicine. My doctor's name is Elizabeth Taylor. Cool, huh?

My first appointment was extremely good. I had been an absolute wreck for months [read: the majority of my life] but stubbornly refused any sort of professional help. I guess I was trying to 'out think' my own messed up brain chemistry. What an ego! Anyway, I kept asking Ms. Tayor if I was bat-shit crazy, and my lovely doctor assured me about a thousand times that I'm perfectly sane.

Evidently, I have several mood disorders - coupled with 'pan-anxiety' disorder. Basically, I have little control over my mood swings (surprise) and I'm afraid of almost everything (double surprise). I have super-fast repeating cyclical thought patterns that, at best, keep me from enjoying life to it's fullest..and at worst, keep me from doing even the most mundane of tasks, (brushing teeth, answering the phone, working) because I'm stuck inside my own head. This also affected my sleep, because I dreamed in such clarity and with such frequency that often times I'd wake up exhausted, instead of refreshed. The icing on the brain-cake was pretty obvious - major depressive disorder, coupled with dysthemia. Basically, that means I'm always moderately depressed, with bouts of double-depression. Fun times.

That's really all I have time to write about, today. My sweet little daughter is being a great example of a 2.5 year old. : )
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