Sep 06, 2014 21:32
So I signed up for NaNoWriMo! I've been wanting to do it for several years, but November's always been a busy time for various reasons (usually that November is often college exam time). Right now I am... still looking for a job, which is not an enviable situation but at least leaves me with free time. My situation might change until then (if I get a job or sign up for evening classes as I've been considering) but eh, it's not like signing up is commiting to anything.
I don't know if signing up two months in advance is considered early, but at least it gives me some time to think about what I could write. I've got a few vague ideas floating around, but they're a lot more about superficial style than characters or story themes, which I guess would be better starting points.
When I took writing classes, I realized that one main obstacle to my writing well is that I don't read nearly enough. I used to be an avid reader, but that changed once I left high school (I realized that was ten fucking years ago afghashkghhsagh) and suddenly no longer had to fill lunch breaks with whatever the library could supply me. Nowadays, I don't know, every book I read feels like a slog, though I don't know if it's because the internet has destroyed my attention span, or because most of those books were Game of Thrones. (pause for laugh track) Maybe if I tried some more books maybe I'd finally find some I like?? I got American Gods from a humble bundle, maybe that would be my thing.
I'm under no illusions that if I did NaNo the end product wouldn't be cliché, poorly thought-out hobbyist crap, but at least writing SOMETHING would be a huge step up from what I've been doing for many years (read: write nothing). So wish me luck, I guess!