
Mar 25, 2011 20:39

This being healthy thing is tiring. I just made snacks to take to MWW tomorrow, including teriyaki green beans and artichoke hearts marinated in balsamic vinaigrette. I also filled up the crockpot with fixins for chicken chili that'll cook all day while I'm gone tomorrow and drive Varr and his parents nuts. I discovered a box from Boudin's Bakery on the front porch this afternoon, so there has to be something to put in the bread bowls SOMEONE ordered when we got back from Disneyland. All that took a surprising amount of time in the kitchen.

Tomorrow's day trip means I won't have time to walk, since I'm leaving at about 7.30am. Sunday I think we're going to to go a little longer than our usual three miles though. We've been pretty good since we got back, and we were very good while we were gone. The only days we didn't walk in the morning were days we went to Disneyland, and that generally involves a fair amount of walking. It's all definitely paying off though.

I'm starting to make some progress on giving up the diet Coke. I'm drinking flavored seltzer with berries in it instead, and that's working out pretty well for me. It gives me the fizz without the sweeteners and the phosphoric acid. I'll probably never give it up completely, but I can at least cut back on it.

And now that I've put in all this effort, I'm tired. Time for jammies, with bed soon to follow.
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