
Oct 01, 2010 16:32

Comment and I'll give you a color that I think represents you, and then you list ten things you like in that color!

scribe_ari picked orange for me. I can't imagine why, I'm not fond of orange.

1. Oranges. For years I fed them to people but never ate them. Now I eat them myself sometimes. The smell reminds me of SCA events, and sometimes of winter, since that's when they're the best here in Arizona.
2. Pumpkin. Pumpkin cream soda syrup, and pumpkin pie, and Hallowe'en.
3. Autumn leaves. I wish I still lived somewhere where I could see and smell them.
4. A good fire with my friends around it laughing and telling stories.
5. The glow of stained glass lampshades or candle holders.
6. Pine sap.
7. Amber.
8. Copper
9. Bird of Paradise
10. Sun parakeets

Dang that was hard...
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