Just keep swimming...

Aug 19, 2010 19:46

I believe that it doesn't matter how many times I give up or quit as long as I start again. And I've started again, for probably the third time since June. I've unearthed the exercise bike and refilled all my scrips. I even have a new one, a once daily injection that's independent of meals, unlike the Byetta. Unfortunately, I'm having a rough time adapting to this one. It causes stomach upset and headaches, and generally makes me feel like crap. My only daily goal this week is to get on the exercise bike anyway, and I've made it up to six miles in 20 minutes. Unfortunately, I've discovered that doing that after taking the shot leads to unfortunate incidents of the upchucking variety. I actually managed to throw up on Jack, and I have never in my life seen a dog look so horrified. He was also not pleased by his forced immersion in the sink afterward, but apparently I've now been forgiven.

My morning blood sugar is gradually starting to come down, which is a good thing. I'd like it down more, but it's not going to level out until I'm not nauseated all the time and am able to eat properly. I don't know why my blood sugar spikes when I don't eat, but it does. It's gradually getting better, but I'm still fighting headaches and general dopiness which could be the Vyctoza or it could just be the weather. Either way, it's a pain.

I was planning on camping at M&G, but have scaled back to daytripping on Saturday. I don't want to worry about keeping the medication at the right temperature, and nor do I have the ambition to do stuff like load the truck, unload it, set up my stuff, tear it down, load it back up, bring it home and then unload it again. A daytrip will be nice, and I will stay as far away from the field as possible, cause I know I'm going to want to jump in and do stuff, and that's a great way for me to end up on my ass in front of god and everyone.

I really just want to feel better, and right this second I'm having trouble seeing the difference between feeling like ass because I don't take care of myself and feeling like ass because of my efforts to get better. I'm hoping to see the light at the end of this tunnel soon, and it had better not be a damned train.
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