Oct 02, 2006 08:11
For me the defineing moments of reaching adulthood were very simple;
Driving to the same dunkin donuts everyday, while chris was running the 3 mile IST around town. Ordering the same medium regular, xtra-xtra like my mother always did.
Pushing Liam in the cart in wallmart and everyother mother stoped and started talking to me about diffrent things, the best sippy cup, diapers, formula, what month he started crawling, ect.
working a ten hour shift at a nice hometown store where your customers are your neighbors and community. Then attending a local highschool football game, not because someone you know is going to be there but because you want to sit in the stands and cheer on your team. The only people you bump into are Police officers and kids parents that you served coffee to everyday at work, more importantly they offer you seats near them and remember your name.
Putting the USMC stickers on my car and people shaking my hand and telling me to tell my husband thank you.