Feb 03, 2007 15:48
So I just finished my first real freelance work ever. Yay! I worked all week on it (using all my spare time) because it was a rush job, so I have felt like I did about this time last year :) I kept thinking about how much I wish I was sitting at my mac in the gd lab instead of my mac here, alone in my quiet apartment. I do get more work done, but the distractions are missed.
On another note, the plans for my trip home have once again been changed! Now I am leaving straight from work on Thursday and driving to Deena's house, at which point I will spend the night and we will be on the road late morning the next day! So we'll probably get to town around one-ish. WOOT! I seriously can't contain my excitement right now, and I just danced a little.
On another another note, I am really for real thinking about getting a cell phone. I think I posted that this summer, but that apparently was a psych. What does everyone have? That factors into my decision, as many of my calls will be coming from friends and family in michigan. I was thinking Sprint, mainly because of the early nights (that would be handy because of the time difference), but Deena told me Sprint is not too good. Advice? Comments?
I'm gonna make some grape leaves now!! Deena, I'll try my best to save you one to smoke in the car on Friday, but no promises ;)