A confession.

Aug 19, 2005 14:24

I am not one of those fans who thinks that the North American Hockey Fight is an intrinsic part of the game. Sure, it can be a momentum shifter, sure, it can settle a game when tensions are getting high, sure, its satisfying in a traditional sepia-toned heart and soul of the game sort of way. But we aren’t in the era of the Broad Street Bullies anymore. I mean, when I watched the Olympics and the world cup I can’t remember once thinking, "but damn I wish those guys would drop the gloves and get this game back on track." Hockey is a sport that desperately needs to cull fans from outside its circle of rabid enthusiasts, and institutionalized fighting just makes the sport look bad to the pool of potential fans…

…but damn do I love Stephen Peat, and watching him clean up after a dirty play is right up there on my lists of reasons to go back to the MCI center.
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