hot sauce festival at Waterloo park

Aug 25, 2007 19:41

Tomorrow (Sunday) is the hot sauce festival at Waterloo park-- should be fun! Phil and I are entering our top secret chocolate and dried chile pequin salsa into the contest! Let me know if any of y'all are going. We'll be there for Buttercup at 1:00, so look for us near the stage if you want to find us. We might escape and hide somewhere cool for a bit until the final winner announcements. (Not sure yet when that will be-- I'm guessing they'll announce the winners right at the end of the event, about 5:00.)

Here's the scoop:
17th Annual Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Waterloo Park (12th & Trinity)
11:00am - 5:30pm

Admission is FREE with a donation of three non-perishable food items for the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas.

Music Line-up on the Planet K Stage:
11-11:30am - Hydmen
Noon - 12:30pm - Anthropos
1 - 2pm - Buttercup
2:30 - 3:30pm - Two Hoots & A Holler
4:00 - 5:15pm - Mother Truckers

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