I am a freak

Aug 07, 2007 10:09

After two and a half hours of reading about nazis, book burnings, people burning Harry Potter, and various other such nasty things, I have come to a conclusion.

Burning a book is quite possibly the most unholy thing you can do.

Now this is where you come in. What is your reaction to someone burning a book? Do you think that it is sometimes justified? Do you find that books such as "Did Six Million Die?" a book about the holocaust conspiracy, ought to be burned? Do you think that if someone finds a fantasy book contrary to their religious beliefs, it ought be burned?

Because I'd like to get honest answers, I'll screen comments. Seriously. If you think there are justifications, I won't argue with you on it. But its important for me to be able to get some more out of this.

Also, if you do comment, please let me know if I can quote you, either anonymously or with your name in the resource book I am compliling.


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