
Apr 01, 2012 01:50

Nobody, I know, uses Livejournal anymore, but I felt I had to write something down somewhere, and I didn't want to flood my Tumblr with writing, so yeah.

I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who lately, and it's so irritating (not really haha) how I know it's fiction, but it still fills me with so many emotions, and thoughts of "what if".
What if this happened? or I wonder what is going on with the lives of his past companions.
It's all fake, I know, and my emotions are somewhat fake as well, I mean, I only feel them in the context of fiction.

So anyway.
Rose Tyler. Her story is probably the most tragic to me, and I say probably...because of Donna.
I keep imagining how absolutely horrible it must be to love someone SO much that you continuously give up your life for them and then being torn from them, knowing that they're still somewhere out there dreaming of you.
The Doctor sacrificed himself for Rose many times, and Rose sacrificed her life for him many times as well. The last sacrifice leaving her in a parallel universe, forever separate from him.
She made her way back to him, but he chose to leave her in the parallel universe because he loved her so much that he didn't want her to have to suffer through him.
She got her own Doctor. A duplicate of her Doctor, but the original Doctor is stuck alone.
So the story is still tragic.

Then Donna, awesome Donna.
She saved the entire universe (they all have, really) but in doing so, she realized that she is worth something. She was always doubting herself, and hiding behind snarkiness, but she beat the odds and became something absolutely magnificent, and then...she saw all of time and space and she had to have her memory wiped or her head would explode, so she's back to old Donna, before The Doctor. Hiding behind her wit, with only the potential of being something great. The Doctor can't speak to her, and she can't see him or even hear of him.
Makes me wonder, what if I've lived a life of magic and wonder at some point in time, and it had to be wiped clean, and there are friends, lovers and entire civilizations thinking of me.
So not true, but it's a fun/sad thought.

Amy and Rory's story is actually really ridiculous as well.
They've both seen each other die.
Rory waited 2000 years for Amy, and Amy had to wait over 3 decades for him.
In the end, the Doctor saved them by returning them to their home before tragedy could befall them.


Oh Doctor Who.
Too many emotions.

But it makes for magnificent dreams.
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