Apr 09, 2011 09:54

I had a dream that I went to Japan again, and was staying with this really kind, traditional, Japanese family.
The oldest daughter, presented me with a traditional like, sweet rice thing, with this big drawing of old Japanese culture.
(For some reason, I guess I was lacking manners in my dream, because I colored it all gray. I don't know why.)

Then, I sat down on their couch, and fell asleep for hours, apparently.
I woke up, and felt like the most rude person ever, for falling asleep on them.
So I got up, and talked with the oldest daughter, and she wanted to outside to explore.

So we walked outside, and then some of my friends were there.
We were walking through this big bustling city, when we come up to a Taco Bell.
Only, this Taco Bell was really weird, because there was this fancy photo thing in the back.
It seemed like all the people who worked there were Russian, and weird looking
I notice that they're making the girls in front of the guys, sit on their laps when they took the picture, so I was like, "Score, there's this pretty girl in front of me. I'll just take a picture with her."
'Cause there was this other girl behind me, that I didn't want.

So we get inside, and the girl in front of me sits in front of someone else!
Then, my sister, Jessica, and my cousin, Lynn, were there too.
So I was like, "Jessica. Don't sit on my lap. Lynn, just sit here, 'cause I don't want that girl."
And they both walked away laughing.
So I sat there all alone, while the lady looked around to see if any girl wanted to sit on my lap.

They all refused haha :(

So I walked out, without taking a photo.
Everyone had disappeared, so I started looking for them all over the city.

I ran into this old guy, and even said, "Gomenasai" in my dream 0___0
(means Forgive me)
Then I ran into this sad, cute dog who I petted.

I ran into Adriana Barba for some reason. Which is weird, considering I haven't even spoken with her since High School basically. But I told her, "Hey! Have you seen my friends!" and she's like, "No! But how did you spot me in the crowd!" and I said, "I can spot you from a mile away."
And she seemed creeped out by that, for some reason.

But I walked away, and realized...I left my phone on the couch I had fallen asleep on!!

So I continued to go looking around town, and then I ran into...

Ash, Brock, Misty and Jessie from Pokémon.

They were in the sewer, looking for something.
So I follow them, and they had to dive under this underwater fence to get to the other side, but it meant we'd have to hold our breaths for a long time.

We did it, and we almost ran out of breath.

Then, I separate from them, and find this old factory place, and make my way to the back where some weird experiments were going on.
I find this place covered in a lot of powder, and some guy was surprised to have been found after a long time, apparently.
So he walks out, and some guy who followed me back there was surprised to see that guy that I found!

They looked relieved, like the first guy had been under some experiments.
But then people started following me, and looking for me, and I find my way to this weird circus place with my cousin Ramiro, who found me naked and cold. (Don't know why)
I put on my clothes, and we drive around the circus, but we couldn't find a way out, so we walk around.

We find this really racist family.
My dad comes out of nowhere, and one of the sons in the family called my dad, "Pedro." and I laughed, but my sister, Jessica, called him stupid-ass, and the mom of the guy joined in, saying all these racist things.
So I tried to calm everyone down, but no one listened, so I walked out.

I ran into like...I guess the Morr Music Record Company making a new music video for Sin Fang, 'cause they needed my help in being a spider.

So...I became a spider.
I was crawling all over the walks, going backwards and forwards, flipping over things.
It was awesome.

Then, after impressing them, I lie down on the floor.
And they ask me why a spider, and why I didn't want to kill the one that was on the floor.
I replied saying that I love spiders, I love insects, I love living things.
The spider turned into this really colorful, beautiful, little...thing...
It looked like a cross between a jellyfish and a sea cucumber haha

Then, I remembered that I needed to find my friends, so I asked for a phone so I could try to call mine or something.

Then I woke up, and my phone was right here. :^D

I'm sure I messed up some of the order of the dream.
Also, I just woke up, so the writing is probably crap, but I wanted to get it down, before I forgot it.

That's all.
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