a_t_rain pointed out in
this helpful post, if you happen to be a spammer composing advertisements in a language not your own, it really does help if you assign names of the appropriate gender to your fake testimonials.
An important corollary of this (again, should you happen to belong to this particular lower form of life) is that it also helps to make sure that the names you assign are, you know, actually names and not just random words from the dictionary. Among the purveyors of Amazing Offers whose missives have arrived in my spam folder at work recently were the following senders:
Extirpation K. Toronto
Fantasizing S. Minuscules
Predispose S. Rancor
Undiscovered B. Misstepping
Resurgence F. Desegregates
Necessitates H. Exacting
Tobacconist C. Tableau
I'm not quite sure what you can say to that. Except perhaps "I will not buy this Tobacconist C. Tableau, it is scratched." :) But no doubt all these names have been used for a Sue or Stu at some point ...