Oh man

Oct 25, 2004 11:06

So, I'm alive as well. In class, teacher aid, where the teacher has nothing for me to aid her with, so she sent me to the library where I can wisely spend my time, heh.

Starting tomorrow, I'll be house-sitting for Mike's parents while they go on vacation for the week. I should have internet for the time, so that'd be pretty handy. Otherwise, I have to get up bright and early to walk Phoebe (their dog) before school, and drive across town and hope I make it to class on time, heh. I'm looking forward to it, though. It'll be a REAL nice change from home, I'd say.
I'm working at the Alaska Vet Clinic now, as a kennel attendant. I don't remember if I've posted about this before, and I'l far too lazy to go back and check. My job has me taking care of animals (which I love) and stocking surgical supplies and paper towels for the doctors there. The schedule is interesting, however, 'cause it's a week on, week off type deal, and it's only for about 4 hours a day, on Tues-Fri.
Saturdays, I go in for 4 hours in the morning, and then I show up again for an hour or two at night. Sunday, same thing, but 3 times a day (morning, noon, and night). That way, the dogs don't "go" (haha, that's how they put it) in their cages, and they can be fed.
I think I like it there. I've only worked there for one week so far, and I start my second week tomorrow afternoon, but the people are real friendly and the water is nice, or somethin like that.

I've been looking into colleges and the likes, and I've decided I do want to go out of state for my main college courses. I'm not sure what the options are for going here in state at UAA for my basic classes (cores, pretty much). I'm not sure how that works. I've been told to try going to KCC (King Career Center) and take classes like a technical/vocational college, for free. I could work, basically full-time, AND go to school for free to take a type of "pre" class in an area that I'm interested in for work. OR, I could do college courses at UAA and work until July or so, then go out of state. OR (haha, this is fun), I could go to KCC for free classes, UAA for basic courses, AND work almost full-time for money, THEN go out of state.
Oh, the choices, uh?

Heh, I'm actually real excited about all of this, I have to admit. I'm still trying to figure out all the details, like what exactly I want to study, where I want to go to school, when I wanna go, how I'm gonna pay for everything, do I leave my truck, etc etc etc. I could list things all day if I wanted to, heh.
But, I do know that I'm gonna make it happen, so that's really the only thing that matters too too much to me. It'll be fun, I hope.

Gah, this is turning out longer than I'd hoped. Uhm.. Things with Mom are.. okay, I suppose. Better than they have been, heh, which isn't saying too much.
Dad gets out in 14 months, heh. He keeps counting down in the letters he writes. That's another big thing I've been thinkin about, and just came to a few realizations the other day that I'm shocked at myself for not thinking about them before, but I won't get into that right now.

Senior pictures will be around in about a month or so. We put off ordering them for too long, now the dude is out of state for 2 weeks, and they take 1 week to come back from the lab, so I'd say a month or so before I actually have'm, finalized. No biggy, I'm in no hurry really.

I honestly don't have anything exciting going on, heh, sorry to say. No funny stories or anything. Crud man.
Still have 15 minutes to kill.

Web surf time.
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