Oct 13, 2009 10:20
got my first crew blisters. they hurt. especially when i popped them and put hand sanitizer on. owwie owwie.
and visited sarah in arizona last weekend. so fun! watched her regatta, lazed about, struggled through physics, GOT MY INDUSTRIAL OMG YUS (it hurts. sooo bad. just iced my ear. but it looks so cool! the guys are all creeped out buy it. its kinda funny. fun times) and got stuck in the airport for about 12 hrs because of a bomb threat and sucky luck on standby and JUST made last train, got off on the wrong train stop but thankfully it was just the southside stop and not the ashby stop. and thankfully i had bearwalks number and didnt have to try to navigate the unfamiliar streets of southside at 2am with luggage and no pepper spray. isnt it funny that i need pepper spray to walk back from the train station after being on an airplane, but the pepper spray isnt allowed in the plane? lets contemplate this. if i wanted to make money, i would sell some in a little booth in the airbart station. i would make bank.
in other news, water is falling from the sky. in copious quantities. i think the world is ending. but i get to wear my rainboots and use my pretty purple umbrella! yaaaay!
and i love fic. sono gave me a fic this morning about bandom AU, where spencer was a fanboy who wrote fic and then met brenden... madness occured. it was epic. and just finished a looooong sam/dean. like, 36 chapters long. it was amazing! i wish i could write like that. or have the patience to write like that. or just carry around a writer in my pocket and give it prompts.
anyone wanna take a prompt? (lol who am i kidding i dont have any lj friends. wow im sad. im talking TO MYSELF)
-sam and dean, gen: in the spirit of "the keeper's chronicles" series. dean is, and has always been, a cat. bonus point if dean becomes human and hilariosity occurs when he is learning how to be a human. but i want them interacting while dean is a cat.
-tidus/yuna: something light and fluffy, because i love them together. and also something a little darker, with them contemplating his death (return to non-existance? dunno how to make that PC) and their increasingly dersperate clandestine meetings, with only kimmhari knowing...(question! so, if they actualy did what that cut scene alluded to, and he techincally stopped existing, is she still a virgin?)
-tidus/yuna: after tidus dies/stops existing w/e yuna finds out shes pregnant. probly been done before, but w/e. i guess ill eaither write it or find it.
-girl!chesters: one of the boys was born a girl. and i want a scene where s/he has to pretend to be drunk and beats these biker dudes at pool or darts or some form of bar game because GIRLS RULE! rawr
-a j2 AU where jenses in a shy famous actor and jared is his... dog walker? jensen doesnt have dogs. takes care of his cat? little OOC. read an awesome one a while ago where jared was the pizza delivery boy and he made a playlist called "greek adonis" or something and wrote his number on the pizza box. it was cute and fluffy and :D
-a harry/hermione fic. because the movies TOTTALY ship them. and i kinda do too.
-a draco/hermione fic. because... they would be so adorable and drive eachother crazy and be SECRET LOOOOOVERSSS
wow. im on crack. nope, just coffee. and OMFG i gotta go to class. toodes, my imaginary friends/fans!
fun times,