Hello all,
been awhile~ first things first, medical school admissions decisions come out next Tuesday, I may vibrate right out of my skin before then. Tragic death indeed. Before that Friday I have my driving practical, I need to pass it because I've been putting this off for five years and my licence expires the following Monday, lol.
I'm pretty confident about that at least. I still hate driving, but I'm not AWFUL at it, just sort of bad.
Been reading/playing/watching a lot of Halo lately :D me and my brother are bored so we switched games, I happen to own pretty much the entire Final Fantasy collection so he's doing that while I'm going through his Halo merch.
SAW IM3. SO MANY FEELINGS I CAN'T. Alas, I cannot speak of it, I'm not that girl with the spoilers.
Lastly, I seem to have fallen by accident onto this whole hockey fandom thing, which is funny because I've been Canadian for 24 and 3/4th years now, well minus one year in Wales where I was still Canadian, but only has to listen to two people who liked to ramble about hockey. Although, unlike some people I know I didn't fall for the Blackhawks, or the Penguins. No, much worse than that, I think the Oilers are so cute, the kidline is so freaking precious. I know they suck, that's okay. Mostly I just like this guy's face.
That's a lie, fandom things:
Mating Games:
here; weekly team-based porn challenges, you can read and vote without participating!
Cap/Iron Man RBB:
here just started posting, look out for team AWESOME (by that I mean me, and my partner in crime) on the 14th :D
That's all folks :D