Rise ye Dead

Jan 02, 2013 23:32

Tw_holiday, please get your act together. I realize it's not the mods fault but it's a bit shabby isn't it? I got my pinch in on time, there is no reason to be rude about turning in your assignment, a month after the deadline is a bit much.

I wrote two fics, can you guess which ones they are? Hint: Neither features Derek.

In other news I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed: Revelations, which I never did get around to finishing, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, and beat Final Fantasy 13-2 :D, I'm unemployed and slowly turning into a hermit. I went outside to see the Hobbit yesterday (echo the chorus: SO GOOD.) and decided I didn't like it much, I'll stay inside thank you very much.

It might be because I'm Canadian, and it's winter and it's miserable and snowing.

Onto fic I've written lately

Title: When they come to destroy the earth, they will have to deal with you first
Pairing: James Kirk/Leonard McCoy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The one where they are superheros. AU.

On LJ or On Ao3

Title: Battle for the sun
Fandom: Ultimate Avengers
Pairing: Tony/Steve
Summary: This story is about that moment, that hour, that day right after the end of the world where all the pieces were there but no one had any idea how they fit together any more. It is also about zombies. Mostly, it’s about unethical science. Where it wasn't the Chutari that destroyed America but the undead.

On LJ or On Ao3

kari fails, nothing is true everything is permitted, kari writes porn, why does fic not write itself

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