This is another photo heavy post!
This time it's aaaaaaaaaaall Dr. Who, the Dr. Who experience is in Cardiff and so I went to it, and here are the photos from the museum portion. For the... experience portion not only did I drive the TARDIS but there was this one forest section that was all dim with flashing lights and motherfucking weeping angles.
WEEPING ANGELS. Which was only slightly less traumatizing than that time I ran into a weeping angel in the physics department (only in Cardiff) and almost started crying before I reminded myself 'It's a TV show idiot. Focus' See I knew they were filming, but not you know, what was going to happen. So when episode 5 comes up, and there are weeping angels THINK OF ME AND OUR PHYSICS DEPARTMENT. /cry
Actual best wall paper ever.
Lovely cold morning
This way for Dr. Who! They played the opening theme as you walked in. SO cool.
First Doctor's clothes
Eeee, Tom Baker Doctor
I did love 9
And 10, duh.
Very excited about 11!
That's a lot of sonic.
The machine that killed the face-stealing monster.
9/10's TARDIS!
The TARDIS/lady
Waaaah, I think the Silence would probably be the only thing creepier than running into a weeping angel.
This is not the appropriate response to Cybermen, but what can I say?
I hope I look that good at a couple of thousand years old.
Daaaaaaaaalek emperor.
Martha, Jack and Rory's old outfits.
K9! I love K9!
How to work an Ood.
Playing with an Ood.
Didn't want to play with these. These scare me.
Another cool looking wall.
Also I've moved in with three cats (two guinea pigs, a rabbit and two humans, it's a funny story actually...) and I was trying to work yesterday, but actually spent the day watching all three LotR films literally covered in cats.