Don't think about elephants

Feb 11, 2011 14:32

Hello all~

Oh I am so tired, and I think I'm fighting off the flu too, I'm so stupidly busy, as you all know I recently got a part time job, and that on top of my classes is killing me. Well would be if I went to my classes. I more or less took the week off school. I'm just so tired and icky feeling ;O; hold me~~~

Count down to Texas yay! I've got to pet a steak because I don't want to get near a real cow XD

Reel: Still going moderately well if you don't count the fact that this is the stupidest scene EVER and it's like... omg. Dragging. Pulling itself into the most ridiculous porn ;O; Why you gotta do this to me?

Remix: **whine**

I've met YamaPi, she's a shark I dissecting for one of my classes. I'd post a pic but I forgot my memory card. There were no dead fish, so a dead shark will do. The pigeon's name is Eli (duh), and Bob is a mudpuppy. I wonder if Eli would appreciate me tweeting him to let him know I named a dissecting pigeon after him?

love love love, ahaha oh fuck, i'm going to hell, why does fic not write itself

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