Jan 27, 2011 19:09
So today was so weird.
Yesterday I got an e-mail, 'do you want a job with xxx' and I was like... umm sure. (From my old boss who matches me up with new places to work, that is her job and what I used to help her with.) Today, she asked for my e-mail, then was like 'can you come in for an interview tomorrow?' 'No.' 'How about right now?'
ADSFFGDSSA So she asked me questions and hired me on the spot D8 omg. So now I work for a research oversee board which means I have access to all the best researchers in health research (which is what I want to do when I'm done with school)
AND I GET PAID WELL. **flails all over** I felt totally kick-ass walking out there. I went in with the 'what would Jung Min do?' mentality, oddly that helps me maintain my confidence. I want to be a BAMF like him XD; him and Gyu Ri are my idols. The lady was actually impressed with my ambition and confidence, I know what I want to do, or at least I can sound like it.
:3 I'm so lucky with these kind of things. Also, about three weeks until I get a Zoe! ... well she gets a me. I've never been to Texas and this is EXCITING.
kari is awesome too sometimes,
ahaha oh fuck,
super doctor kari