503... and a half day.

May 04, 2010 01:06

I was playing FFXIII for too long and missed a bunch of stuff, had to get caught up on Dr Who new season too! Then I was too busy writing Koyama getting spanked by YamaPi (don't ask) and I missed the incredibleness that was May first.

So, since I promised that I would at some point, and it seems I have FINALLY (I have been trying for two and half years, I kid you not) swayed some people into SS501 with me, I shall in honour of their dorky new pics share some of my photo collection 8D

Obligatory dose of cute, that's right, Young Saeng with a BABY OTTER. It doesn't get any more adorable then this :D

Kyu Jong being terrified of Jung Min. That's right, he will get you in your sleep (or in his.)

Not even a tiger is more feirce then our Princess Jung Min.

Jung Min again with his favourite stuffed carrot. Dressed as a Santa. With something or other on his head.

Here we have Jung Min and Baby doing what they do best, being freaky.

Yes that is his foot. No I have no idea what he is doing.

Leader gets his own gif section because he writes fanfiction between himself and the others, and no one is ever quite sure what he's doing. Hot pic to start.

If you look carefully at this, you can see Jung Min and Baby trying to kill eachother in the background, but so long as Leader doesn't loose he could care less.

Leader and Jung Min, partners in (picking on Baby) (Holy matrimony) (Hot Gay Sex) crazy :D

Double Team Baby (What would you call that, Double HJ sandwhich?)

Need to switch top and bottom too.

Jung Min needs another section. My pic spam my rules :D

Double HJ manip (That's Baby and Leader :D;)

The really pretty (but too quiet for a crack photo post) couple that is Kyu Jong and Young Saeng

But Young Saeng has some seriously epic bitch faces

The best part of this pic isn't Jung Min's slutty, Leader's matching slut, or Baby's attempt at manly. It's Kyu Jong standing at the back being all *Kyu Jong* he stores up his weird for sudden bursts of hilarity.

Young Saeng's face is kind of wonderful.

That's Kyu Jong joining the others in a game of 'Harass Baby'.

Jenga (as we have seen) is a dangerous game for these five. (Musical Chairs is a whole new level of violence).

But they are also realy really really attractive. I mean usually every band has that one guy I find really sort of ugly. I wont name any names... BUT SS501 is hot as hell all over and they slash themselves all five ways. (OT5. Arashi-worthy OT5.)

That is all for now xD; I tried to find some of the less common photos this time around :D

Pretty boys are pretty yeah? And kind of really crazy.

dogs love horses, ss501, drag is so hot, jung min's ass needs its own tag

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