You and your fucking rope

Mar 18, 2010 23:58

FTF was a fail, I had so much to do this week even if I WAS technically done on time DDDD: LOL Whatever. I'm not that hung over today but a lot of my classes were really empty. I went for 10 hours straight. Oh god, so much whiskey, because I can't drink beer, so I just did shots. **roll** my life is so hard.

Also, totally got the new pokemon. I KNOW YOU'RE ENVIOUS. Lolol.

Got this meme awhile ago from chokingday

1. Reply to this meme by yelling "HEY KARI!", and I will give you five words that remind me of you.
2. Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.
3. Keep in mind that if I don't know you that well, your words might end up kind of odd or weird

I got Blood spatter, Woohyuk, Burlesque, Arashi, Med school:

1. Blood Splatter;
For those of you who somehow don't know I'm in Forensics, and Blood splatter is the... spashiest of the diciplines xD

I do know how to read basic blood stain patterns :D

2. Woo Hyuk;
MY BABY. God I love this man SO much. Like I can't explain to you guys how much I love him. I waited and counted down the months for two years until he came back to me. He's so quirky and awesome and everything about him I just love so much. His smile, the way he dances. It is just too much for me.

Welcome back baby, I missed you ;0;

3. Burlesque;
I've had nights in the basement of a club smoking with a naked burlesque dancer. I'm a busy kind of girl you know. It is an interesting kind of lifestyle and I enjoy having weird tales to tell xD Corsets and sequins, I've been a little tamer this year, I've swtiched over from burlesque groupie to asian party chick.

4. Arashi
I got in JE something like five years ago because of Arashi ;-; I downloaded the ARASHI mv and thought 'LOLOL FREAKS :D' It has all been downhill from there. Riida's quirky charm, Jun's diva, Sho's fail, Nino's mischief, and Sho's dork, what is not to love. Back in high school I used to watch raw G no A every week XD EVERY WEEK. I miss being able to torrent ;0;

5. Med School
Okay. So I'm drunk or hungover in almost every post (It's the day after St. Patties WHAT DO YOU THINK?) but the truth is I am really smart xD and modest :P I'm going to get my MD, and maybe my PhD too so I can do research and get the nobel prize. That's just how it is 8D I party and I study and I play video games, and yeah I could probably sleep more but whatever.

booze!, forensics, jang woo hyuk, hang overs suck balls, the exciting life of a kari

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