OMG. Finally finished my Rainbow Bridge assignment, the guilt over not having it done on time was driving me to distraction.
Now to finish my medical school application that closes far too soon, my honours thesis project and start studying for my mid-terms in immunobiology AND metabolism, who put those on the same day is a sadist.
» Leave me a comment saying "Dirty Eyed Girls"
» I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better
» Update your journal with the answers to the questions
» Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
stirfried-lies asked the questions
1. Kiyoharu says he'll service you however you want whenever you want if you come back and write Jrock porn (obviously featuring him) but Hakuei and Sugizo agree to porn in front of your very eyes if you stay away. WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE :D?
This is a really hard one D: I mean. SUGIZO. But while it seems important to be in on the action, I'm the type of person who is really quite content to watch. As it stands I think I'd take Sugizo up on his offer. *__* there is a lot to be said about that mouth.
*whimper* I can't have both? I could keep them as a set, with matching collers and little dishes for their food. I think I'd choose Shota, our personalities seem like they could be compatable, he's shy and it would match me nicely, also he's a Studio Gibli dork, it would be fun. All that being said, have you SEEN him? omg yesss.
3. Five reasons why chemistry is better than biology. >D
You're such a bitch ;-;
i - Less reading
ii - Quantum chemistry. 'Spooky Action at a Distance' / quantum entanglement theory is like chemistry love letters.
iii - Things have the potential to explode. I can't remember the last time I exploded anything in a biolofgy lab. Or right NEVER.
iv - I look super cute in a lab coat and goggles that I don't need unless I'm working with blood in biology
v - six hour labs All my hottest lab partners have been in chem. That and I get to play with the more expensive machines in the chem labs. I like the percision of it.
4. You're in the most stereotypical shoujo manga ever. Your character is surprisingly intelligent but is so aloof from the masses because she spends her days writing slash fic. The Guy You Secretly Have a Burning Love/Lust For (whether this is a burning desire to makeout with him or see him make out with another man is unclear) DISCOVERS YOUR JOURNAL OF PORN (OHNOES). Resolve your manga story in three ways, such that your leading man is alternatively Yoko, Koyama, and Jin. Side characters are of your choosing. Bonus points for inclusion of Jun.
Wtf kind of question is this? D:
Yoko would use the journal as black mail to get me as a slave and I would slowly plot his downfall with the help of his rival, there would be lots of sterotype situations where he needs to protect me, and in the end when we have sufficient blackmail material we come to a truce and happyily ever after.
Koyama would blush, but be interested and ask if I could help him win the affections of his crush and show him how to make it good. Of course I would because Koyama is hot and Ryo is hotter. More matchmaking follies to stretch out the series and get as many readers as possible before the two of them have hot sex and end up happy. As for bonus points I totally get Jun, he's mine.
Jin, hmmm. He'd be facinated. I'd forsee the two of us setting up sort of a threesome enterprise where the goal is to get laid as often as possible. Followed by a stint in the porno industry.
5. Describe your ideal man. Or woman.
Man - Smart, preference to science-smart, and into dorky things like Dr.Who and star trek, glasses optional. But at the same time he needs to like to party and dress himself reasonably well. As for his personality, someone who is quiet, a little shy, but capable of making decisions and comfortable being in charge sometimes.
Woman - Still smart and dorky, but someone I can shop with and watch movies with snuggle. I like my women a little more dominant, either boyish or with that smart sort of air about her. With other women I prefer to be more passive. My ideal woman from tv is Toshiko from Torchwood, I have the HUGEST girl-crush on her.
**flops and dies** Anyone else stupidly excited about zombieland?