Nov 06, 2008 09:35
Greetings all i sure you have been waiting on the edge of your seats wondering where i've been and what I'm up to.
Well here I am TA DA!!
Life has been busy and I haven't had a dull moment since I posted last.
1. Mel and i have moved to Auchenflower which is neaer the city and Mel's work. It is a cute little place and we have a deck which is super awesome.
2. I was up untill recently studying to be a forist , however having a weirdo old lady who was a homophobic racist as your head teacher kinda puts you off I shall perhaps go to another colledge next year to finish and up my qulifications.
3. I have a glam job NOT I am at the pizzahut call centre and I take incoming calls from all round australia from people with pizza orders the average age is about 15 but its a job and is pretty low on stress so I'm Ok. I will however need to find some more work now my Austudy will be drying up. I'm actually kinda excited will be good to do something constructive and have more cash.
4.My fathers heart surgery was a success and although he has had some slight complications lately he is soo much better now its done.
5.. I am completely obsessed with facebook( sad I know! ) and spend way more time on there than i should.
well thats about it its good to back on LJ
That is all