Everything that you could ever possibly want to know about what I am, who I was, and what I will be.

Aug 18, 2004 03:18

First name: Lee
Middle name: Alexander
Last name: Goldstein
Birthday: April 20th
Height: 6'0"
Hair color:
Eye color: Glue
Glasses: Yup
Contacts: Rarely
Hair short or long: LONG!
Astrology sign: Shrug
Chinese zodiac sign: Shrug
Bad habits: cracking knuckles, mood swings, sucking on my thumb....... :)
Piercing: None
Tattoos: None

Are you still in school: Yes
Favorite grade:
Favorite teacher: Steele, Davis, Weaver
Worst teacher: Felton.........
Favorite subject: Play Production :)
Least favorite subject: ENGLISH 2A
Buy or bring lunch:
School sports: Track back in the day.. Hey man.. Stop laughing.. I was the Captian of the track team!
High school: Cherry Hill East
School activities: Stage Crew, Character Education, Photography...
Favorite memory:
Worst memory:

Number: 13
Saying: "You are super cool."
TV show: OC, ER, American Dreams
Sport: Baseball, Football...
Vegetable: Broccoli baby! (Or fermented cucumber[Pickles]!)
Fruit: Watermellon
Movie: Shrug
Actress: Neither
Actor: JOHNNY DEPP!!!!! OH baby!
Candy: Butterfinger, skittles, anything chewable
Gum: Any.
Scent: Fresh cut grass, new stuff, christmas tree( :) ), Umm... you know.............., and the beach!
Ice cream: Vanilla
Color: R39 and R80, in reverse order
Season: Summer/Spring/Fall
Holiday: None.
Band: Too many to name. To know me is to love me.
Singer: To know me is to love me.
Music: To know me is to love me. Any.
Fast song:
Slow song:
Thing in your room: Shrug.
Place to be: College
Radio stations: 102.9
TV channel:
Junk food:
Fast food place: Wawa, Taco Bell
Restaurant: Anyplace with crabs :)
Shape: Any shape that's a picture. :)
Time of day: It's 3:12 AM right now.
Country: Anywhere but the US.
State: Ohio. Warm and cozy.
Boy's name: Mike
Girl's name: Sara
Mall: What's that?
Video game: FF1.
Shampoo: Herbal.
Computer game: Starcraft, Diablo...
Car: One that isn't smashed in :)
Music video: Father and Son
Swear word: Shrug
Month: August. Freedom!
Scary movie:

Crush: Who doesn't?
Do you love anyone right now: "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my bones."
How many hearts have you broken: A couple perhaps? Haha, couple, get it?
How many people broke your heart: ..............
So what's your bf/gf like: I wish not to have a bf/gf right now. Thank you.
Do you go more by looks or personality: Personality. D'uh.
Ever kiss a friend: I guesssssss.. Considering i've kissed girlFRIENDS.
Are you still friends: Yes.
Do you smoke: Never
How about weed: Never

Flashed someone: Probably when I was a wee little lad.
Told the person you liked how you felt: Yes.
Gone to jail/juvenile detention: Never...
Skateboarded: Yup!
Skinny dipped: See flashed question.
Stolen anything from a store: Never.
Been to a concert: Hell yeah.
Been to another country: Never
Talked back to an adult: Who answers no to this?
Given money to some homeless person: Of course.
Cried to get out of trouble: Never.
Kissed a friend's brother/sister: Yes *blush* :) She wanted it.. I SWEAR!

You ate: Bagel with cream cheese. Sunflower seeds.
You drank: Sprite
The last place you went: AMC Movie Theatres
Last thing you bought: Movie ticket.
Last person you saw: My mommy
Last person you talked to: Lea
Last song you heard: Don't Go Away - Oasis
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