The end of the wor-- I mean, the end of 2012~

Dec 31, 2012 19:00

So, 2012 was a hell of a year. And I think i need to just write down what my year has been like so that I don't forget. This has been one of my best years in a while (and this will be a short entry) and I'm just really happy :)
  1. I got into my dreammmmm Junior College, which is completely amazing. I didn't get the course I wanted, but I'm really glad I decided to stick with it. My good friends from Cedar went there and I like knowing people. It's cool. Plus, if I decided to change my school, I wouldn't be with my class, which brings me to the next point..
  2. I got the best class ever. In all honesty, I never thought I would love a bunch of people as much as I love my class and I think it's the best class I've ever had. 2 years is really short, and I wish we could spend more time together, but I'm glad of everyone, I got classmates who are sensitive, compassionate, smart, hardworking and I know they will always be there for me. That feeling is completely awesome
  3. I decided to try something new for my CCA, and I joined band. I remember first thinking about joining it and thinking WHAT IF I PLAY A TRIANGLE FOREVER OMG. but that didn't happen, of course. I went out of my comfort zone and tried something so completely new, and I absolutely love it. I think these kind of leaps are good, because I can finally say I've tried SOMETHING new and it's something I think I could really like. Percussion is great, being a Section Leader with absolutely NO experience is also great. I've never gotten a leadership position, so I'm really thankful for this opportunity, especially since it's for something I really like. It's stressful sometimes, since it takes a while for me to get comfortable with pieces, but I think I'm improving a lot.
  4. My grades are not great. I love all my subjects (except econs. econs is the worst. I cannot do it and I hate it but I just have to keep going. which sucks) but I'm not exactly excelling. I wish I could do better, and I wish my geography would at least PASS, but I guess that'll take a while. I'm thinking of dropping it to H1, and we'll see next year
  5. I became an OGL!! which is super cool, since I've wanted it since the very start of the year. I like knowing that I can put my enthusiasm to good use and I think it'll be a great experience for me! I just need to make sure that I don't lose this
  6. I met some really amazing people this year, and I like going to school just to see them and it makes me happy. I've never felt this happy before, and it is just great. super great. I met seniors who I actuall lik and that's WEIRD. I also met great friends outside my class and my cca, and that's always cheer-worthy. I like this. It's comforting.
  7. My year was very hectic, and it went by superrrr fast and I have to learn how to balance a lot of things. I don't think i achieved that much this year, so I'm gonna make sure I do that next year.
  8. I finally figured out that I wanna be a teacher. OK, i've always wanted to, but this year made me realise that that's EXACTLY what I want to do. Really. and I don't like people questioning it and whatever. It's what want to do, and it's exactly what I'm going to do.
  9. I know what kind of person I am. Like I've thought a lot about me as a person and I think I like the person I'm becoming? I just have to keep doing what I'm doing and keep pushing on. I like me as a person, I like what I'm doing now, and I think I'm pretty great. :D

Overall? My best year. I don't know how next year's gonna be, and I'm still wondering if it'll be as amazing as this one, but I'm gonna hope it is. I love the people in my life, I love my life. I'm stable and I'm going.

Here's to a great 2013.

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