May 11, 2007 20:05
so I was at school for 12 hours today, over 4 of which I spent taking the AP test. I was super happy that it was done for about an hour, but then I realized I have On the Verge, and circus shows, and Proof still to do, not to mention English, Chemistry and Math that I put off this week. AND my weekend is taken up by stupid on the verge. Tomorrow I'll be at Apropos all day working and helping the AMAZING volunteers paint, then Sunday I'll be working like crazy and that night mom and EMMA come home. YAY EMMA! Yeah, but then Monday I'll spend a lot of my day working MORE on On The Verge instead of getting a day off from school, which sucks. I am not done at all with all of this. I want to be done so badly, but I'm NOT. I'm just the set designer, I'm not head tech, or head paint, I am not supposed to be organizing all of this, I just create the sets, other people have the responsibility of delegating and knowing what to do when there's no time left. A set designer should not need to come to every tech rehearsal. I am so sick of South High Theater. Next year maybe design one show, audition for Cabaret, and dramaturg Midsummer, but not anything else. I am so sick of getting too much responsibility, it is not fair.
by the way boys are tiring and i don't want anything from any of them
I want to go to Unistar, and I want it to be amazing
I am so tired, I need a weekend so badly