Sep 21, 2008 18:20
Okay, so I decided to brave the masses and go see Sarah Palin speak in the Villages. I learned a valuable lesson. Show up 6 hours ahead of time. I got there at 1:30 and traffic was the pits. I ended up parking 2.5 miles out and hoofed it in. I do so enjoy her accent. But supposedly 30K people showed up. The heat was bad and crowds immense. It was nice to see her from afar, but almost as much excitement as seeing the motorcade pass by.
My brother in Quantico got a call from Obama camp asking him if he wanted to hear him speak at Altell Stadium. Mark thought and goes "Where is that at?" at the Jacksonville Landings. He thought some more and goes "in Jacksonville, FL?" and she goes "yes". He goes do you realize that you dial a VA number to get me?. He got silence.
My father who s 74 and dedicated his entire life to the defense of our country since he was 18, had never voted before. He subscribed to the fact that the military should not vote. Well he registered to vote now he just wants to vote for President. Well at least it is a start.
I will give McCain and Palin one thing to their credit. That is they have energized people into voting and caring. Voting to me is a personal decision that every American citizen can make to help decide the future of their country. While we may not all agree on the policies, the majority rules. After the decision is made, it is up to citizens to support that path. This is one thing my English teacher in HS tried to get across to us as a class. That we all need to work together as a common goal. It doesn't mean you need to agree with the path we are on, but we need to work together for the good of or class and country after the vote is taken. This is what McCain is putting forward with his 'Country First' campaign. That after the vote is taken, and leaders appointed we need to rally behind and put our Country's needs First. This is the same thing that caused many of you to look at me weird because I put the mission before all else.
Anyhow, just my own thoughts.