You Already Know What This Is And Who I Stole It From

Jan 26, 2008 12:12

1. What would you do if your ex just showed up at your house right now? Ask them what the hell made them look me up after all these years. I don't really have "exes;" I have people I just stopped seeing.

2. What describes your relationship status? single and looking

3. Where are you? bookstore copyroom

4. What's the last TV show you've seen? something about constrictors on Animal Planet

6. What is your favorite animal? dogs

7. Who have you thought about most today? my friend Jessica. I just woke up again at 11:20, and she was in my dream...We'll just leave it at that...

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year? Nope, and never have.

10. Color of your shirt? It's urrnge (orange) and black. (Go Mercer Bears!)

12. Who's on speed dial? Everybody on my contacts list. It's automatic. On the bluetooth - I called my bro last, so him.

13. Honestly, What would you rather be doing right now? Driving to Statesboro to see Jessica and/or finishing Alex's story.

14. What's your favorite season? Fall (spring has sprung and fall has fell, winter's here and it's cold as hell :) )

16. Are you a bad influence? I can be on certain subjects, but usually I'm a pretty good influence. I am a Big Sister.

19. Would you do anything for someone else? There are just somethings I'm not going to do or do to him/her. Sorry.

20. Have you ever been called a bitch? In the last 30 seconds? Not to my face, no. Them bitches ain't stupid.

21. Have you ever eaten pizza with sour cream? Yes. Mexican pizza is the bomb, and I consider a quesadilla to technically be a pizza.

25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these things out? Why would they? I'm fascinating.

28. Last time you went out to dinner? I took my mom to Golden Corral before I went back to school. (Don't look at me like that. That's where she wanted to go.)

29. Who is your favorite character from friends? I loathe Friends. It's a fake ass, ethnically cleansed Living Single. *ducks bricks*

33. Do you have one or more CD's? Next question...

34. What did you do last night? I wrote, watched TV, rented Skeleton Key, checked out a library book and did research for my paper, ate sushi and Seasame chicken, did push ups, and slept.

35. Favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Psych, Pros Vs. Joes, Friday Night Fights, any decent football game, Human Weapon (boo! Fight Quest, boo!), Jeopardy, any show where people who can dance are dancing, I Love New York, Law and Order with Jesse Martin and Jerry Orbach

36. What's your name spelled backwards? Aiken (which is a city in South Carolina)

37. Do you have a song by Kelly Clarkson in your itunes library? I have her first two albums on my computer.

38. iPod or Zune? Philips Go Gear. Anything "i" just supports Steve Jobs' monopoly. I like to be able to play my music on anything I want.

40. How do you feel about reality shows? Depends on who's the star and who's the contestants or subjects. They're all trash, but if it's interesting and hilarious, I might watch.

43. What's the last thing you bought? Shoreline Combo sushi

45. What's in your CD player right now? Mya's Moodring

46. What's your favorite movie? The Color Purple

47. What's another favorite movie? La Comunidad

48. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate? more than one. There's more to the best relationship for you than who loves you the most.

49. Can you sing? Pretty well. I used to be very good before two bouts of muting strep throat.

50. Do you play any instruments? the drums and most other percussions, the keyboard, the violin, the harmonica...the recorder :)

51. Have you ever been to another country? Yes. *cools self with personalized Bahamas fan*

54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa? No

55. Do you know how to knit? No, but I can hand sew.

56. What do you want to eat right now? my omelet, honey biscuit, and sausage

58. What are you doing right now besides this survey? listening to Feist's "Sea Lion"

60. Baskin Robbins or Cold Stone? Ben & Jerry's

61. Math or english? I do Sudoku to get in the mindset to write fic, so...

64. Rather fly across the states or drive? Fly. I'm not that patient, gas is expensive, my car is old and I'm too young to rent, and I, too, used to drive as a profession so I'm not excited by the prospect of doing it for free.

66. What's your favorite Disney movie? Mulan

69. Mood? Productive

And, yes, there are only 42 questions in all actuality. Blame Nycbadgirl for the numbering.


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