so uh. utterly nothing is going on right now, I have nothing to tag or do, so I decided I should finally maybe sorta get rid of some of these links I have had saved for OVER A YEAR. probably more like two. I kinda hate myself. I don't remember details about like, 97% of these, so it's just the links and pairings and stuff. sob.
due South
What I Like About You; Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski; nc17
Solstice; Vecchio
Dysmas; Vecchio, Fraser
prompt reply; Vecchio/Fraser
About a Riv; F/V/K
Friction; F/V/K; nc17
Lifestyle Choices; F/V/K
Undercover; F/V/K
Bad Cop; Ray/Ray; nc17. no idea if I've already recced the prequel, as it's been SO FUCKIN LONG since I recced stuff. D:
Lucky in Love; F/V/K; nc17
All I want to do is see more; Ray/Ray; nc17; epilogue to Lucky in Love
Twin High-Maintenance Machines; Ray/Ray; R
A Push in the Right Direction; Ray/Ray; R
Closer to Fine; Ray/Ray; R
Conviction; Fraser/Vecchio
Constellations; Fraser/Vecchio
The Invitation part one,
part two,
part three; F/V/K; nc17
Two-Thirty A.M. in the Kitchen of Milk and Pasta; Ray/Ray
Elephant; Ray/Ray
Five Ray/Ray Kisses; R
Let Me In; Ray/Ray; R
Picture of You; Fraser/Vecchio
Code Words, Diva Fits and Unexpected Arrivals: A Date in Three Clichés; Fraser/Thatcher
Cold Desert; F/V/K; nc17
hand over your heart (let's go home); F/V/K; R; sequel to Cold Desert
It’s About the Everyday Things; Ray/Ray
Dishwasher-Safe; Kowalski/Stella; nc17
Coup de foudre; Fraser/Vecchio
Luckier than most, with your memories and ghosts; pre-F/V
And this one's for the silence; Fraser/Vecchio, nc17
The Amazing Adventures of SuperwolfTM Vol. 1: A Sticky Situation; Dief :D
Signs of Affection; F/V/K; nc17
Monkey Business; Fraser/Vecchio
Nothing but Truth; Fraser/Kowalski (I KNOW, right? ;D)
Civilized Conduct; Ray/Ray; nc17
Crossed Paths; gen
Three and a Half Stetsons; Fraser/Vecchio
The Dumb and The Restless; pre-Ray/Ray
Everybody Knows; pre-Ray/Ray
Powers of Attraction; Ray/Ray; R
The Towel Tale; Fraser/Vecchio
It was a Dark and Stormy Night; Ray/Ray
Two Frasers. Two.; F/V/K; R
Wrapped Around Me; Ray/Ray; R
Too bad I'm a loser; Ray/Ray; R
Carry On; Ray/Ray
First Time For Everything; Ray/Ray
Prepping for Adventure; F/V/K; R
Reconstruction; Fraser/Vecchio; R
Experimental Share; F/V/K; nc17
Cataloging; Fraser/Vecchio; R
Girls, Girls, Girls; Fraser/Vecchio; R
Night Spots; Fraser/Vecchio; R
Tale As Old As Time; Fraser/Vecchio
Superman Emergency; F/V/K
Hit Me; Baby; F/V/K
The Spirit of Giving; Ray/Ray; R
untitled; F/V/K; nc17
untitled; Ray/Ray; nc17
untitled; F/V/K
In your skin; Ray/Ray; nc17
But Hey, You're All Right; Ray/Ray
Snowmobile Parts; F/V/K; nc17
It Never Really Was About the Car; Fraser/Vecchio
let down; gen
in between; Ray/Ray
just like saying don't think of pink elephants; F/V/K; nc17
Maple Sugar; Fraser/Vecchio; nc17
Unfinished Business; Ray/Ray, F/V/K
Stakeout; Ray/Ray
Little Things; Ray/Ray; R
Night; Ray/Ray; nc17
Thaw; Ray/Ray; nc17
Right At Home; Ray/Ray; nc17
untitled fairy tale crack; Ray/Ray
Phenomenal Cosmic Powers (itty bitty living space); Ray/Ray, Fraser
Hot out here, cool me down; Fraser/Vecchio
Not My Kind of Girl; Fraser/Vecchio
breakfast?; Ray/Ray
Exhibition; Fraser/Vecchio
Spookshow, baby; Ray/Ray
Late One Night; Ray/Ray
Let it Snow; Ray/Ray
Reasons That Need Exploring At This Juncture; Ray/Ray
Out, having it; Ray/Ray; nc17
Better Than Ice Cream; Ray/Ray; R
Dogs and Cats, Living Together; Ray/Ray
Engines Cranking Heat; F/V/K; nc17
gotta hit the gas, baby; Ray/Ray; R
In the Closet; Ray/Ray
Before the Night is Through (I Wanna Do Bad Things to You); Ray/Ray/Stella; nc17
Keyed Up; Ray/Ray; nc17
Take it a Little Bit Further; Ray/Ray; nc17
Hangman; Ray/Ray
situation's tolerable; Ray/Ray; R
untitled; Ray/Ray; nc17
Something to look forward to; Fraser/Vecchio; nc17
drabbles of joy; mostly Fraser/Vecchio
Give; Ray/Ray; R
Concentric Spirals; Fraser/Vecchio; nc17
You, Me, Eggs Over Easy; Vecchio/Stella; nc17
Take Another Road; Ray/Ray; nc17
Sometimes You Want the Whole Orange; Ray/Ray; nc17
This Error; Fraser/Vecchio; R
Too hot for this kind of thing; Fraser/Vecchio; R
Turtle Eclipse of the Heart; Ray Ray
Upon the Feast of Stephen; Fraser/Vecchio; nc17
in the land of ice and snow; Ray/Ray; nc17
Warm and capable of earnest grasping; Fraser/Vecchio; nc17
When God closes a door, he always leaves a window open; Kowalski/Stella; nc17
It Happened One Night; F/V/K; nc17
untitled snippet; F/V/K
Indelible; Ray/Ray; nc17
various ficlets; various pairings
Five Times People Thought Gus and Shawn Were On A Date; Shawn/Gus
God is in The Fish Fry; gen
Guster's First and Second Laws; Shawn/Gus
Amis (Why They Stay); gen
Differences of Opinion; Shawn/Lassiter; nc17
Progress; Shawn/Lassiter
And I Feel Fine; gen with zombies
Obvious Suspect; gen
sweet, sweet pineapple; Shawn, Gus
Friends Help You Move; Shawn/Gus
Simple Math; Shawn/Gus
And Then There Was a Popcorn Fight; Shawn/Gus/Lassiter-ish
Aquatic Equestrianism; Shawn/Gus
Serenade; Shawn/Gus
Keen Powers of Observation; Shawn, Henry; Shawn/Gus
The Pilot of My Roflcopter, or, How to Get Into Burton Guster's Pants in 10 Days.; Shawn/Gus
We'll Share a Seat on the Train; Shawn/Gus
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go; Shawn/Gus
Chuck vs. Bowling, Drugs, and the Unexpected Romance; Chuck/Casey
Dubious and Interesting; Chuck/Tyler Martin
Tied Up; Chuck/Casey
Wire; Chuck/Casey
White Collar
A Mile Away and Wearing Your Shoes; Peter/Elizabeth/Neal
A Sure Thing; Peter/Neal; nc17
Blind/Dates; Peter/Neal
Confidence Man; Peter/Neal; nc17
Paws!; craaack :D
Classic, in Progress; gen
Dressed in Silhouette; Peter/Neal; nc17
Playing the Ace; gen
First; P/E/N
there must be some kind of message; Neal, Mozzie
Cut-off Point; P/E/N
Just Someone In A Summer Town; pre-Peter/Neal
Best Intentions; P/E/N
Four Cups of Tea (and a waffle iron); gen
That One Time, With That Thing; pre-series gen
Playing Cards; gen
Boundary Conditions; P/E/N; nc17
This Is You (According To Me); Adelle, Topher, Tango
Of Ill-Advised Imprints and Rather Fetching Ewok Queens; Topher; gen
Exit Stage Left; Dollhouse; mostly gen; genderswap of awesome
Holding The Line; Dollhouse; Adelle/Topher...kinda
Modern Family
I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor; Phil/Claire
in the house we see a light (that comes from what we feel inside); gen
promising light; Phil/Claire, Cameron/Mitchell
Sports Night
Machiavellian Mistletoe; Dan/Casey
Days and Lists; Dan/Casey
Five Things Sorkin Never Got to Steal from Sportscenter (But Probably Would Have, if Sports Night Hadn’t Been Cancelled); gen
Second String; gen
The Startling Yuletide Epiphany of Dan Rydell; Dan/Casey
There's No I in Team; Dan/Casey
Dr Horrible
Ceasefire; Dr Horrible/Captain Hammer
Detente; Dr Horrible/Captain Hammer; R
Folding; Captain Hammer/Billy
How I Met Your Mother
It's Not Forever, It's Just Tonight; Lily/Ted; nc17
Wardrobes; Ted/Barney; nc17
Peel a Page Like Fruit; Lily/Robin
The Legendary Five Way; Ted/Marshall/Lily/Barney/Robin; nc17
The No "No Homo" Code; Ted/Barney
other shit
Acute Selective Drake-Related Amnesia; Drake and Josh; ...Drake/Josh
Altars Barbarous Below; Eastwick; Joanna/Kat/Roxie; R
One Step; Harry Potter; Ron/Draco; nc17
Fuck and Die; Californication; Hank/Lew; nc17
for the touch of the younger kind; Californication; Lew/Mia; nc17
Posion; Firefly; Simon/Mal; R
untitled; Twitch City; Curtis/Hope/Newbie; R
Salt; Shelter; Shaun/Zack; nc17
i will show no mercy for you (you have no mercy for me); Durham County; Mike/Ray; nc17
A Circle Only Has One Side; Castle; Ryan/Esposito; nc17
lay right down (in my favorite place); due South/Durham County; Kowalski/Mike; nc17
Did You Know; Glee; Brittany/Santana
Easy as; Glee; Brittany/Santana; R
A spoonful of sugar; Hard Core Logo; Joe/Billy
take me out of this frozen season; Hard Core Logo; Joe/Billy
Sabotage; BSG awesomesauce
Bathwater; White Collar; Mozzie/Neal
Everybody wants to be a cat; White Collar
Footloose; White Collar
Overlap; White Collar; Peter/Neal
Fighting in a Sack; Chuck
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow; Slings & Arrows
Let's Misbehave; White Collar; P/E/N-implied
Tik Tok; HIMYM
Everybody Loves Me; Buffy/A:TS
broken; Dollhouse; Topher
all the right moves; Chuck
Creator; Chuck; Sarah
Fried My Little Brains; A:TS; Illyria
Only Girl (In the World); Despicable Me
in one ear, right out the other; White Collar; Neal
Tonight (I'm Fucking You); White Collar; Peter/Neal
If It Gives You Joy; Whedonverse