Glee spoilers

Apr 26, 2011 22:25

Jaime: I am so bitter. ;P
Koji: A-Aw :c
Koji: I want to punch them for saying Brittany's bi-curious. THE CURIOUS IS UNNECCESARY.
Jaime: seriously. I just.
Jaime: see, this is the thing.
Jaime: it seems like they're all just assuming she's a lesbian because there's no in between, obviously, especially since apparently Brittany assumes this too.
Jaime: but now with the biCURIOUS thing..
Jaime: it's like she's assuming she's straight because she loves Artie, and any Santana loving is just.. a curious thing.
Jaime: because again, NOTHING IN BETWEEN.
Jaime: and.. I don't freakin BUY that from either of their characters.
Jaime: I don't buy that either of them would think sexuality is that black and white
Jaime: it would be one thing if it was KURT, because his biphobia, I can buy from his character. and others, I'd probably believe it from them too.
Jaime: but Santana and Brittany? no. not so much.
Jaime: like.. I guess I can believe that they, as dumb teenagers, would assume that her being in love with a girl MUST MEAN TOTAL GAYNESS, but.. it just comes across so much as the writers' opinion instead of the character's.
Koji: That's exactly the problem, omg. That's it.
Jaime: I am going to post this and be bitched about more in glee anon. XD
Koji: ffffff let them. XD
Jaime: I am glad you agree with me though 8(
Koji: Well, it's really problematic. :c I mean, if they turned it around and had her realize that being into boys and girls is okay, that would be one thing - it would make of a long and interesting story arc but.
Koji: They seem to be going
Koji: She messes around with guys but she LOVES Brittany.
Koji: Therefore, lesbian. 8|
Jaime: yeaaaaah.
Koji: All I can say is progress comes slowly? I mean. Glee's got excellent gay and lesbian representation but...not so much for bisexuality. And really, I can only think of one show off the top of my head that's done bisexuality well?
Jaime: and like, I'm sorry, but on tv, if a character likes having sex with guys, I'm gonna assume they're at least a little into guys. I'm aware that ~real life~ lesbians can have slept with guys and enjoyed it but still be gay, but again.. THIS IS TV AND IT IS WRITTEN AND SHE IS FICTIONAL. that kind of complexity doesn't.. work on tv, because the audience is too dumb to understand it.


Jaime: oh man, another reason this LESBIAN THING is dumb
Jaime: her storyline during this episode could have included, you know, THE BOOB JOB SHE GOT AT SIXTEEN YEARS OLD.
Jaime: but instead, no, they have to focus on something that had never been an issue for her before.


jdkfksljfklsjlf Kurt got an entire act just to himself to sing GORGEOUSLY and emotionally and everyone was watching him with love and happiness and Finn's FACE oh god and also Santana because she and Kurt are SECRET BESTIES FOREVERRRR. ;D (she said they love him! he called her lady macbeth! hearts in my eyyyyyes!)

Regardless of my whining about them fucking up her sexuality, she was mostly FANTASTIC AS ALWAYS. insulting everyone, calling herself a bitch, the line about Karofsky looking at a Sam's jeans being just as gay as checking out his ass.. XD the totally ridiculousness of she and Karofsky in those berets and shit ahaaahahahaha AMAZING. Also, she and everyone looked ridiculously adorable during the mall scene, because HEARTS.

(Rachel: is she here?? Kurt: it's a mall in Ohio.)

Holy god, Kurt looked amaaazing at the start of Born This Way, and when Tina and Mercedes opened his jacket and hjkdhfjksjdlkk

The Quinn storyline was.. out of nowhere, but super sad and pretty amazing and I'm so glad Lauren apologised in the end. And Finn was SO SWEET with the picture. And Finnnnnn throughout, really, was just made of love and hearts and HOTNESS WHEN SINGING kjfdslkflsdjfkldjhfs HOLY CRAP I can't even. I was basically swooning. As is my usual.

Emma broke my heart. Unpretty/I Feel Pretty broke my heart. the fact that I now have to like Born This Way as a song breaks my heart. ;P

Sooooo what it all comes down to is: I loved everything but the obvious. And really, THAT boils down to the same reason I disliked Finn in the scenes with Kurt in Duets: because I just didn't buy that kind of homophobic douchery from his character, not when I had been seeing the fandom giving those thoughts all summer. It felt like the WRITERS, not Finn. and that's what Santana's (and now Brittany's, cause WTF, bicurious) sexuality feels like to me.

But now Kurt is baaaaaack! There will be SO MANY ICONS.

tv: glee

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