First, for Brynn's birthday, I made
Hugh icons! Feel free to go leave comments. ;D
And now, here's half of the alphabet meme thing. Cause.. yeah. Whatever. Shhh.
Asher, Barney, candy, Disneyland, edible underwear, fruity pebbles, garlic, HP, Italian stallion, jelly fish hats, kraft dinner, Leoben, the moon. )
And you've just convinced my not to ship Barney/Robin by invoking the dreaded Spuffy. Blechhh. (of course I don't really like Spike in the first place so perhaps I am not the best judge of that) I guess, I kinda liked the idea of them as a couple for two reasons, 1. the show wanted me to like them and I am easy like that. 2. I was following the logic of, well I love them both so it must be a good idea.(Some times I don't think about things ok. Shut up) But damn if you haven't made some wonderfully valid points. Also, sometimes actually GOOD to his friends THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT BARNEY (also really any characters that are assy in that way) Any time Barney is sort of stealth nice it makes my heart go glee. Of course as far as thinking about How I Me Your Mother, for me it always comes back to blah blah blah I love you Marshall. So whatever. (Apparently all I do is wander away from the point and talk about other characters I love. Huh)
He is made of love and sunshine and puppies and also bitchy sarcasm and complaints! \o/
Hi, have I mentioned that I adore you? Because EXACTLY
But YAY! I am PROUD to maybe turn you off the Barney/Robin ship, cause I am MEAN like that. Muhahahahaha. And YAY, Marshall. :D Marshall is made of win, obviously.
::beams:: Vecchioooooo!
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