Heart On Your Sleeve

Jan 12, 2011 17:37

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Belisario etc blah blah blah. :) Don't sue.


"Let go!" Jimmy squeaked in Abby's grab, trying to hide his arm.
"Oh. Em. Gee. Jimmy! You have a tattoo of McGee on your arm! Why do you have a tattoo of McGee on your arm, Jimmy!?!?"
"Don't blame me Abby! Look, if you must know, Tony made me do it."
"A-Abby... You can't tell anyone this."
"I promise. Now spill!" Abby said as she swallowed millions of questions.
"Ok, I got kind of drunk with Tony... And ended up telling him I have a crush on Agent McGee..."
"And Tony was really drunk at this point."
"And we uh, we passed by this place called Insta-Ink..."
"Ok... I'm starting to get a picture here..." Abby's eyes were starting to bug out.
"Tony dragged me inside and said if I got a tattoo of McGee it would prove my love to him, and he would love me back. I was so drunk myself I couldn't tell which way was up so Tony sounded really smart."
"Just what kind of place lets two idiots who are obviously drunk get tattoos of McGee1?!?" Abby was furious now.
"I'm gonna report that joint! And Tony! He should know better, why I ought to..."
"He um, I'm not the only one who got a tattoo Abby, I think he's had enough punishment."
"What! He got a tattoo of McGee too?"
"W-what? Uh, no, you really should ask him about that."


"Let go!"
"Abby, why do you want to see my arm?"
"I wanna see who's face you got inked on there while you were drunk and stupid with Palmer, of course!"
"That rat!"
"You're the one whose brilliant idea it was, now I wanna see. I'll tell Gibbs if..."
"No! You can't tell Gibbs!!!"
"Show me then!"
"Ok, but you can't tell Gibbs, Abby, please!"
"Oh. Em. Gee. Tony! You have a tattoo of Gibbs on your arm!!!" Abby said revealing the tattoo of a smiling Gibbs.
"I was really drunk." Tony said, his face turning beet red.
"Sure you were! You're in love with Bossman, baby! How'd you even get a picture of Gibbs smiling? You carry one in your wallet? That's so sweet, Tony!"
"I'm gonna kick Jimmy's ass..." Tony said, his face reddening more and more.
"No! You gotta show this to Gibbs, then he'll know you love him and love you back!"
"I thought you thought it was a stupid idea!"
"Well with Palmer and McGee, but Gibbs is the forever-marriage-soulmate type, he'll totally love your creepy gesture!"
"You think so?"
"Yeah, I know so!"


"Uh, Boss?"
"Yeah, Tony." Gibbs said but kept sanding his boat.
"I uh... I got something to show you..."
"Uh huh. Abby called and said you would be by to show me something."
"Oh. Crap."
"She also said I should grab your arm and roll up your sleeve in case you get cold feet." Gibbs started to walk toward Tony who was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"Oh. Crap." Tony blanched.
"Relax, Tony, you don't have to show me."
"Oh, good." Tony unblanched.
"Did they at least catch my good side?" Gibbs asked innocently as he went back to his sanding.
"What!? She... She told you?"
"Uh huh. I suppose in some cultures we'd be married now. Guess you should move in, just in case."
"Whaddya say?" Gibbs walked back to Tony and took his hand.
"I, uh..."
"Maybe I should get one of you, too." Gibbs said peeling back Tony's sleeve.
"It's not bad, this that team photo we took last year at the Halloween party?"
"Uh... Yeah." Tony's glassy eyes started to de-glassify a little at Gibbs' touch.
"So, what do you say? Move in with me?" Gibbs pulled Tony close.
"Um, we haven't even kissed yet."
"I think we can fix that." Gibbs smirked pulling Tony closer still and kissed him sweetly on the lips. That woke Tony up.
"I think we can fix it all the way upstairs." Tony took Gibbs' hand and led him out of the basement and all the way to the bedroom.

Casa McGee:

"Who is it?" McGee asked and peered into the peephole.
"It's Jimmy Palmer, uh, Agent McGee."
"Jimmy, what a nice surprise. What brings you to my humble abode?" Tim opened the door, turtleneck-clad, and puffed on his pipe.
"I have something to show you, Agent McGee." Jimmy said nervously as he took in McGee's authorly appearance.
"Call me Tim, Jimmy. Come in!"
"Thanks, Tim. Um, well I guess I'll just show you." Jimmy raised his sleeve and McGee stared at his smiling face grinning back at him on Jimmy's skin.
"You... You... That's... Me..." McGee gaped like a goldfish.
"Yes. See... I was really drunk and Tony..."
"You were with Tony? Please tell me he doesn't have a tattoo of me, too!" McGee grimaced, his face contorted in horror.
"No! He... Got another tattoo. I got this one because he said it would make you love me." Jimmy said really fast and then cowered behind his arms, and thusly, Ink-McGee's smiling face.
"Jimmy, I'm not gonna hit you. I'm just surprised. I... Didn't know you felt that way about me."
"I do, but I'm not... Obsessed... It was the alcohol."
"I get it."
"You do?"
"Yeah, Tony plus alcohol equals really stupid ideas that are noone's fault. It's worse than getting drunk with Abby." Tim laughed and grabbed Jimmy's arm to bring him closer.
"What... What are you...?"
"What do you think I'm doing?" Tim pulled Jimmy into his arms and started kissing his neck.
"Wow. And Abby thought you'd freak."
"Shut up and come to the bedroom."
"Yes, sir, Agent McGee, sir!"
"Ooh, kinky! By the way who did Tony get a tattoo of? It was Gibbs wasn't it?" Tim asked as he led Jimmy toward the bedroom, but he swallowed the answer in a kiss.


"Oh yeah, you give it to him, Tony! Once I show McGee this stuff he'll have to write me a Tommy/Tibbs book! ...What's this? Oh yeah! Looks like installing these cameras at McGee's place was not a waste either! Way to go Jimmy! Muahahahaha!"

crack, humor, tibbs, pwp, slash
