Jan 18, 2007 14:16
Well, I have to say it's been a rough couple of weeks. I have had bronchitis like nobody's business. I don't usually get that sick, but this has just kicked my ass. I am taking antibiotics and using an inhaler, and still spend every night coughing up all my organs. To top it off, my hubby just had his deviated septum operated on, so I have been responsible for taking care of him. It has pretty much been the blind leading the blind...I will say we've eaten a lot of soup, seen A LOT of DVD's (started watching The Wire and Prison Break) and have taken a lot of naps. It has all been very exciting. You would think with all this time at home recouperating, I would have figured out how to add photos. Bear with me, that's my goal for this week...In fact, I'm gonna go all out and get me some new icons too! Woo-hoo! I'm gonna have the best LJ page this side of the Mason Dixon!