Oct 06, 2010 00:22

Things I liked about this episode:

1) Competent Tony. Me like! Me like lots!
2) Banter and not sarcasm from McGee.
3) Awesome bromance moment with Tony and McGee.
4) Tony being able to get into Abby's email.
5) Fornell. Joe Spano for President!
6) Palmer. When oh when will my darling Brian Dietzen be promoted to a series regular?

I did actually like some of the 'joking with Tony' parts. But the ending bothered me.



1) Why would they focus on Tony and then blow him off? Those kinds of pictures aren't cheap. Seriously.
2) Moreover - sorry, white guys: an older, greying man would never be chosen as a cover guy for recruitment in the modern era. I know that's hard to swallow but that's the truth. They would more likely have chosen Tony, Lee (if she was still alive) and someone else to draw in people. Older white guys? Not worthy of September Issue kind of coverage.
3) The Director wants authority and integrity? So he chooses Gibbs? See point two for part of that, but didn't he just bury evidence concealing proof that Gibbs committed murder? Or did Gibbs hit him with a stupid stick during a commercial break?

Things I don't get about this episode:

1) Why was Abby a Miss Cranky-Pants?
2) Why they keep insisting Gibbs has ethics. See my previous post.
3) The whole thing with the other agent wanting to show Gibbs what he could do. That was a strange insert that made no sense to me. Rigil, my dear, maybe you need to join JelenaMichel and I in our tinfoil hat club! You may be more right than you know.
4) Say it with me now: Juris. Prudence. Jurisprudence. That whole confession would be thrown out. It was coerced, plain and simple, under threat of death with the collusion of the LEOs present.

Gibbs, you are going to tear down your own team and sacrifice their futures on the altar of your hubris, self-absorption and lack of integrity. Retire. Go spend time with your loose-cannon cohort down in Mexico or wherever he's at now.

Am I crazy? moment:

I think Tony played along with Gibbs but did anyone else notice Tony wince and wait a beat before choosing to back Gibbs? It wasn't immediate. Usually Tony is lockstep with Gibbs but there was definitely a "hmm" moment where he thought it over! I think McGee had the same thought. Watching him in the background, he sort of flinched at the same time as Tony.

ncis, reviews

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