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Feb 02, 2011 22:22

Strong, loving and wise people of faith are excellent role models, attracting and empowering others in any number of ways.  Such is the belief of the author of the letter to the Hebrews.  Today he reminds us that "we are surrounded" by a great cloud of witnesses, people who have kept the faith despite every kind of hardship, as we have been hearing for the past several days.  Their example encourages us to "rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us."  And there is more.  Now we can add to our list of faithful people the ultimate champion, Jesus Christ.  When the going gets rough, we are told, we do well to remember the great cloud of witnesses surrounding us "while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith."  This is the Jesus we see in the gospel, removing the painful and embarrassing burden of illness from the woman with a chronic hemorrhage.  This is the Jesus who takes on the heavy burden of death itself as he makes his way to the home of Jairus where he raises the man's young daughter to life.  This is the Jesus on whom we keep our eyes fixed as we celebrate Eucharist in memory of his life, death, and resurrection.  This is the Jesus from whom we receive assurance that no burden is too heavy for him to lift.

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