May 11, 2005 15:57

Hello, so yesterday i went to school. It wasn't that exciting.

Then i went to the london with ho, aka julia.We got various tubes and shitness yeah man whoop, and we got slightly lost after coming out of the train station like maraaay wheres the mofo place....after like 15 mins we found it, its in the middle of a freaking shopping centre...what the fuck.
Its a nice place, small capacity is only 800.

oh yes we were going to see Finch aha nice.

We went in the queue. rarggh. The guy put rails up told us to go one lala just before they open the doors they start saying the queue on the left is for ticket collection, queue on right is ticket holders, luckily we were in the right queue, but cos billions weren't the security guard took us to the front muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha. anywho we got in the merchandise was looking pretty nice, alas, lack of the stuff, means no. er wandered. in. 2nd/3rd row ish. wasnt too bad indeed.

First support, what the fuck i keep forgetting their name wait.......................m..motion city soundtrack there we go. yes, i liked, i liked the crazy keyboard guy

there he is hzhzh.

er we wait, and dance around, they come on the stage...we appreciate this greatly. Randy tells us that tonight our faces are going to melt off blurghrugao.

they play many song, they no play stay with me....double you tee eff mate, huh? exactly?!?

um, they did play worms of the earth which i recorded so yesboy, i also recorded er brother bleed brother =D

blah blah, they finish of course with what it is to burn. i got mullered. aha. all part of the fun. um. afterwards we go to SAINSBURYS unfortunately no sainsbury's local. We get LEMONADE buy one get one free. we walk upto till and woman 'NO I AM CLOSED' gay. so we wait in another queue taking forever, so we go to self service we dunno we did it wrong so we walked off and left it. then we came back and did it again, julia said we only have to scan one bottle and i was like no 2 but we only did one and then the security guard was like er how many you buy? he called the guy over and the guy was like er whatever just take it. fuckin

then we get tube home. i walked into the turnstile. it hurt. get on the train. weird man sits by us. come home ra di da di la.

habla habla matinee habla habla matinee..........and i know that's why you love me chicoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

i liked the htu htuth ut huthtuthu HUT HUT HTUHTUTHUTH HTUITHUTH !! song

i'm like er wtf's that

Look at the fun

so there were a few mistakes, that i cant be arsed to rectify.....
Thanks for looking...END
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