Coke Parodies

Jul 23, 2006 00:50

"Coke Parodies" on Google Video

[Michael and John present Coke parodies and my view of the world. Anyone who knows me would say I'm quite insane, differant, or just strange. Well, now in the video, you get to see it all. Also, by the end, John ends up drinking too much of a new and untested Coke produtct, see what happens.]

i think this is hilarious. maybe it's because i work for regal. the end is a little drawn out, but the first 4 minutes or so are amazing. these kids do quality work.


This video is a comical satire mainly for movie theater employees and managers who half to watch the real commercials over and over. This in no way, shape or form is realated to the actual Cokeacola company. This is not to be taken seriously, its just a few of us having some fun. Please don't sue us. (plus we don't have any money anyways, we work at a movie theater)

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